Cops fail to intervene when a black teenage girl is beaten up by five other black girls

Seems to me libs want it both ways…doesn’t work that way.

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As soon as they did anything “Cops attack teen black girls”.

And don’t complain about cops not moving in while you say that unarmed social workers are what is needed.

I notice you didn’t say you would be okay with getting the ■■■■ stomped out of you by a half dozen people and get up to find four cops watched you get beat half to death.

You’d go full ■■■■■■■ Karen and you know it. You’d demand their names and badge numbers. File a complaint. If you have political pull, you’d use that.

You’re only okay with it because it should only happen to those Other People. Not you. Cops will intervene for you.

Protestors got just what they wanted…no policing.

Is that playing an race card?

I should point out that the times we had cops working security detail for us, they’d come in and mix it up with us in those crowds too. No guns, no baton, no Taser. I can count on the number of times they punched someone on one hand because they knew it could get us in trouble.

Because they were real police, not whiny crybabies who won’t do their job because they’re scared of camera phones.

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Oh I’m pulling the poor card and the race card. Y’all want to be policed by London bobbies and poor neighborhoods especially in the inner city to be policed by the Indian Colonial Police.


Seems to me the babies are the ones out protesting. But Y’all can’t have your cake and eat it too.

Personally the police should just stand down and allow We The People take their place. Just pass laws that make it easier for people to defend themselves.

Yeah remember when you were against police brutality? It was [checks notes] right up until it became politically expedient for you not to be.

■■■■ is even the point of all those steroid muscles in their tailored uniforms, guzzling Creatine and ephedrine and cosplaying as soldiers in Iraq, if you too scared to put someone against a wall or throw some hands? Back in the day forty five year old fat as ■■■■ Irish cops were knocking guys out with two-pieces like it was nothing.

Odd, been in many lost fights, never had a cop intervene, they generally show up after.

What part of they aren’t allowed to get away with that now escapes you?

Hey…I’m all for cutting back the police.

I’m consistent.

But libs want to defund the police but whine when police don’t protect em. Too bad.

Less police mean less chance we have police state that libs want to impose…so it’s lib own hypocrisy has got them into their predicament.

So stop whining and embrace the new norm.

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Who called the cops?

They get away with it all the ■■■■■■■ time. Cops that broke into Breonna Taylor’s house and murdered her still walking around, despite the national coverage, despite the Floyd protests. How many other examples you want?

You just wrong.

From what I saw nobody called them?

Sorry, should have been more clear though the context should have been sufficient, we were discussing something that occurred in public, with cameras rolling weren’t we?

Doesn’t say. Someone coulda called. Or at 125th and Madison in Harlem, cops could have just been cruising by. NYPD has 35,000 cops.

The girl being beaten was eleven years old. And they sat and watched.

Out of all those protestors and non of them wanted to stop the fight. They all had perfect opportunity to police themselves but failed.

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No…the protestors sat and watch. They did nothing.

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