Cops fail to intervene when a black teenage girl is beaten up by five other black girls

If nobody called them, then it’s not their job. Subscription policing.

That’s not how it works.

Oh yes it is. Very clearly.

Apparently it does now.


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The NYPD continues to ask for their budget to be severely cut.

Not a surprise.

I think they are more afraid of being fired or charged with a crime! This is what happens when police are damned if they do & damned if they don’t. Police know the Democrat elected State & City officials do not support them and will turn on them like a worm for political gain.

New York voters need to pay more attention who they put in office.

They could have ended/stop that fight any time…but protestors continued allowing the fight to play out. They let 11 year old girl to be beat up by 5 other girls.

That’s the law they wanted.

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You ever been to Harlem and seen how the NYPD polices it?

Parts of Harlem are literally a police state.

All changing. Give it a little time.

A place with an average home price tag of 650k is literally a police state? That’s decidedly odd.

Used to.

It’s a new dawn
It’s a new day
It’s a new life
For me
And I’m feeling good

Parts of Harlem.

Not all of Harlem.

How would anyone here like this on their block?



Tel them about the Safe Streets Initiative, where the NYPD would demand to see your ID for walking down certain streets and if you didn’t live on that street you weren’t allowed to walk down it.

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Ain’t much of an answer. In fact it’s a non-answer.

Or tell them about how the Street Crime would stop and frisk basically any young minority kid they saw for a Terry stop until it was disbanded a few years ago.

Tell them about the video of the NYPD captain instructing his jump-out cops that they were frisking too many white people, the point was to frisk blacks and Latinos, even after that.

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It is very much an answer. You are ignoring the change. As it happens. A shift in the societal tectonic plates. And we get to witness it! Exciting times.

The answer is blowin’ in the wind.

Didn’t people in the NYPD threaten the cop who made those tapes?

Relics of the past. Don’t live in the past.

Think he got run off the Job over it.