Conservatives, are DeSantis and Abbot correct?

So you only support vaccine mandates that have killed people if it doesn’t involve the respiratory system. Ok.

That’s a really good saying. I’m going to have to remember that for the future.

I’m trying to understand your logic. Animal reservoir?

A pandemic has killed over 700 K.

You support mandated vaccines for other deadly illnesses.

But not the covid vaccine.

That’s illogical.

You aren’t supporting your analogy.

That’s fine. Then it’s the choice of the individual…not…mandated.

Trying to get people do take the vaccine is a lot different then encouraging a mandate they get the vaccine or get fired and profiled. :roll_eyes:


Yes I support the mandatory shots currently in place for young kids. Not the flu or COVID vaccine at this time.

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Why not?

Can you share with us why?

Possibly a VP Harris supporter and is following her lead and doesn’t trust the Trump** vaccine?


This is like the third time “blacks” has been used in the last week or so.

Super weird. I don’t recall seeing this until recently. Something in the air?

Go pester someone else.

I believe schools have the right to enforce these guidelines. We aren’t there yet for child COVID vaccinations.

Biden, Harris, Fauci and many others do not proactively promote or provide us much data on exactly how many millions of people cumulatively to date already have had covid-19. Their silence speaks volumes, at least implying to some degree that there is NO other viable option but a vaccine. Almost like built-in immunity for even those with confirmed cases that have fully recovered is not relevant. This dynamic only adds to the mandate intrigue.

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Don’t cut off the meat of my post.

“Blacks” huh?

Go pester someone else.

It’s happened before.

This right here. I have been vaccinated, I encourage everyone that medically can TO get vaccinated.

At the same time I oppose governmental overreach on this, the majority of people who get covid have mild to moderate cases and a small percentage require hospitalizations and unfortunately die.

Now, if the numbers were reversed ie: the majority who have covid DO get critically ill, and only a small percentage get mild to moderately sick THEN I could potentially support mandatory vaccination.


Military members are different. Once they sign on the dotted line, we are considered “government property”, a service member can and has been written up simply for falling asleep on the beach and getting a bad sunburn. Considered “destruction of government property” if it affects their ability to do their job. Absolutely NO valid comparison between military and civilians.