Congressman tries to board plane with gun

Guardian: The Secret Service told Politico it had no record of the alleged incident. A spokesperson also said “records confirm that the agency did not provide protection to any member of the Biden family in 2018, and that the Secret Service had no involvement in this alleged incident.”

Sometimes ya gotta be careful with your post titles.

I’ve boarded planes with guns before.


My thought too. Need an actual boarding pass for an upcoming flight nowadays to get into secure areas. At least, in any domestic airport I’ve been to since 9/11.

But more to the point I was making, he took care of the issue BEFORE entering the area. i would hope someone as accomplished as a congressman would be just as aware of something like that.

I’m inclined to agree. I’ve flown long guns and ammunition on commercial, (before I lost them all in a tragic boating accident), going on hunting trips and the paperwork is a chore. In the cabin? No ■■■■■■■ way! Had a friend who was a Federal agent who carried his issue everywhere including when we had get togethers out of state and we flew. He had to check in with TSA and have a sit down with the pilots. The Congressman made a poor stupid choice IMHO

thank you

i was wondering when someone was going to post this.

Meeting a child at the gate.

Nothing except terrorism or hijacking.


You were wondering when someone was going to #butwhatabout deflect over to a completely unrelated situation not remotely like a congressperson trying to board a plane with their firearm? Well, no one is surprised.

Obviously a gun is not required for either.

i don’t care.

enjoy your sunday

Hunter Biden was the target of efforts by supporters of Donald Trump to dig up political dirt on the family, efforts which in part led to Trump’s first impeachment. A rightwing website, the Blaze, reported the gun incident in October last year.

The Secret Service told Politico it had no record of the alleged incident. A spokesperson also said “records confirm that the agency did not provide protection to any member of the Biden family in 2018, and that the Secret Service had no involvement in this alleged incident.”

Plus, the article is full of ‘allegedly’ and ‘reportedly’. IOW, this is made up.


all these deflections…

Hunter Biden lied on his federal firearms application. That is a felony. The gun incident is also a criminal offense. The “artist” known as Hunter Biden is a ■■■■■■■ criminal and belongs in jail. If the DOJ would do their ■■■■■■■■■ job and arrest this jagoff and ask some simple questions about the J’Biden family’s foreign endeavors in exchange for a little leniency you know the rat will spill the beans.

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he’s a piece of human garbage just like his loud mouth trash father. the idiot’s “press” will ignore it and big lefty tech will cancel it but the non-idiot sees it

Yeah, you’d think someone would call out “unrelated Hunter Biden something something” as a deflection and not praise it or wonder when someone was going to bring that up, OH WAIT!!!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Good Sunday, indeed!

Fast track boarding privileges. We had it when we flew a lot and got to skip security lines.

I had to hide my knife under rocks and mulch and stuff outside of tourist attractions all over Washington DC lol. Museums, Supreme Court, the capitol building , the one where they print the money. Wife and kids just shook their heads. I had to ask a family sitting outside one of them to move and I told them my knife is under that rock, could you move please? They complied quickly! :rofl:

indeed it is!

dont forget to complain about all those other deflections now

Which is of course absolutely retarded.