Congress vote to strip names of Confederate bases in veto-proof vote

Here’s more of this same “logic”.

Without former Nazi supporters and descendants of Nazi supporters, Germany would have never had their wirtschaftwunder.

Therefore of course Germany should have memorials to Nazis.


True hero’s such as Custer.


Most of the folks cheering this on have never bothered to serve their country anyway. Hell, most of the votes in the Senate never did either. lol


True. Was being from a southern state ever a problem for you when you were serving? Did you ever hear all this Bull ■■■■ about “Southern Traitors”?

Did you feel the need to bow your head in shame walking through the Gates of Ft. Bragg or Ft. Benning?

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Neither of course did our esteemed president Bonespurs Trump.



You two have that in common, eh?

You can reasonably say, though, that those statues were placed based on mob rule and violence.

Can’t you?

And as far as voting to remove them, when they were placed Blacks in the South had been almost completely expunged from the voting rolls, they didn’t have a chance to vote about the statues.

Why should these statues remain?


I was born in 1957. Trump in 1951.

Trump was draft eligible.

I was not,

I didn’t need a deferment. There was no draft.

See the difference.



I’ll bet none of the people who statues removed grew up knowing who the statues even were. They had to be taught to be offended by them.

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Ah, so you two have non-military service in common. :+1:

This is a strange argument. The confederacy gets a pass because some of their children fought in future wars.

Makes sense.


He’s not the one bitching about these base names either is he?

a simple solution
in large letters next to every confederate statue post a plaque saying the statue is a monument to traitors who fought a war to defend the rights of people to own slaves.

in the name of “history”

You made that up all by yourself didn’t you?

Here’s your prize… . image

Why would we put up a sign that is an outright lie?

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So, you’re saying that if the northern folks had tried to cultivate the land in the South without a Southerner’s “touch”, they would have failed? Did Southerners have magic farming practices?

Or, did they just have slaves to do the work?


The leaders of the confederacy lacked the moral courage to do what was right.


Northern folks wouldn’t have known where to start rasing southern crops and they wouldn’t have had access to the land of the CSA.

Why are you like this?


That is not the point, the point is why they were put up there in the first place and who lives there besides White people.

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