Confess your Climate Sins

Sounds lame. Try not to kill anyone. lol

No, his point is valid. Occupy and thrive is certainly not demonstrated by sailing across an ocean.

My climate sins?

Don’t recycle enough.

Still drive around more than I really need to.

Still waste way too much food.

Still use more electricity than I absolutely need to.

Oh, and I fart a lot.


You people are stealing childhoods!!!



Why not? Is every Ocean voyage fatal to humans?

Sailing across an ocean is not the same as occupying and thriving

Visiting is not the same as occupying imo. Obviously opinions vary.

Sure it is when done routinely. Humans are present virtually everywhere on the planet whenever they choose to go there. They do not have to be on any particular spot permanently to be occupying it and thriving there.

As I just said to Aussie, it is when it is done routinely.

Ok. I won’t waste time citing the dictionary definition.

I guarantee you that the Democrat Politicians set the best example for Global Warming more than anyone else on the Planet!!!


How routinely do humans go sailing in the roaring forties?

Yet billions have and do.

Humans can and do die in every environment, if we didn’t the earth would be thousands of feet deep in humans.

Whenever it is necessary and submarines can traverse it with ease.

What percentage of the world’s population are submariners? What percentage of the world’s population have sailed in the roaring forties?

Completely irrelevant. Just as Samm said, we can thrive in any environment we choose to occupy from the roaring 40’s to the poles to everywhere in between on land or sea.

People actually live and thrive in the Roaring 40’s constantly in Argentina, Chile, Tasmania, and New Zealand.

The claim was not that we could; the claim is that we have. The claim is demonstrably untrue.

Humans can and do live and thrive in the roaring forties just as I’ve demonstrated.

You claim fails completely in the face of fact.