Commerce Sec. Wilbur Ross cashes in

As suspected, you completely discounted the IG report, since it did not confirm your already developed biased conclusions. Enjoy hanging out with the tinfoil hat brigade. :roll_eyes:


I certainly don’t understand the CEC hatred towards Comey.

His actions helped Trump and hurt Clinton.

You can make your erroneous judgements but the IG report is being dissected right now and the only thing I’m seeing disagreement with about it is that “political bias didn’t affect the investigation”.

So they were right to not convict Clinton? As the IG report stated?

hate to break it to you but the corruption of the Trump team members is gonna go forward (with pleas and trials and verdicts) way before anything happens with Hillary.

see, the problem is they have to prove stuff in a court of law. not in the Carolinas or Georgia or Texas or on the Hannity board.

I can’t say. There hasn’t been an honest investigation yet.

I’m not the one making erroneous judgments about the IG report. I read it cover to cover. I stated from the beginning I would accept his findings on face value. I have no reason to question Horowitz’s character, integrity, or judgment.

I accepted his criminal referral on McCabe as being accurate. I accept his findings here as being accurate. His conclusions don’t mesh with your preconceived conspiracy theories, so you’re dismissing them, trying parse things, and frantically searching for any strands of something to validate your confirmation bias. It’s what conspiracy theorists do.

And it is this sort of behavior that is driven by the cult narrative promoted by Trump which is designed to do lasting damage to our nation’s Law Enforcement institutions. And it is shameful and sick to witness.

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I don’t just swallow what I’m fed. If it doesn’t add up, then why doesn’t it add up? You’ll have to forgive me for continuing to ask questions even though you’re satisfied.

At one point or another you have to start that the drip drip if only in your head

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Ah, there we go.

IG didn’t come to a conclusion you agree with so you discount it.

Maybe you should have an IG investigate the IG report.

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Turtles all the way down.

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Trying to get his wife a Chick-fil-a franchise falls under that category.

It wasn’t the IGs investigation that I’m discounting. It’s the one that wrote the exoneration prior to anyone being questioned.

Ok. You realise the IG report stated pretty clearly that there was nothing wrong with the decision not to prosecute Clinton? I can pull up the relevant paragraphs.

Since you’ve been keeping up with it and…I appreciate that…supposedly poo-poo is hitting the Congressional fan tomorrow regarding all of this. I’ll believe it when I see it but if it happens, we’ll then start to get this drip, drip, drip show on the road.

Watched it all.

So you agree with the Republican politician over the IG report?

If that’s the case, why bother with IG’s or special counsels. Just have politicians investigate and charge.

Thank you for watching. I do not like Lindsay Graham but he raises serious questions that made the IG stumble. There is more to all of this that still remains to be uncovered…like Loretta’s role.

You will never be happy unless the investigation comes to the conclusions you have already come to, Smyrna.

Which is what I told you before the IG report dropped.


Gee, I wonder why the Trump administration tries to convince people that the news is fake at every opportunity. What a mystery.

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