Commerce Sec. Wilbur Ross cashes in

Turtles all the way down.

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Trying to get his wife a Chick-fil-a franchise falls under that category.

It wasn’t the IGs investigation that I’m discounting. It’s the one that wrote the exoneration prior to anyone being questioned.

Ok. You realise the IG report stated pretty clearly that there was nothing wrong with the decision not to prosecute Clinton? I can pull up the relevant paragraphs.

Since you’ve been keeping up with it and…I appreciate that…supposedly poo-poo is hitting the Congressional fan tomorrow regarding all of this. I’ll believe it when I see it but if it happens, we’ll then start to get this drip, drip, drip show on the road.

Watched it all.

So you agree with the Republican politician over the IG report?

If that’s the case, why bother with IG’s or special counsels. Just have politicians investigate and charge.

Thank you for watching. I do not like Lindsay Graham but he raises serious questions that made the IG stumble. There is more to all of this that still remains to be uncovered…like Loretta’s role.

You will never be happy unless the investigation comes to the conclusions you have already come to, Smyrna.

Which is what I told you before the IG report dropped.


Gee, I wonder why the Trump administration tries to convince people that the news is fake at every opportunity. What a mystery.

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I actually attempt to examine myself in the mirror and look for the individual you’ve described to make sure that person isn’t my motivation. I don’t believe it is. My nature is one to address things that don’t make sense to me…until they do. The IG’s conclusion did not make sense but he provided all of the data with in his report for those who have questions, additional data to seek answers.

So because Hilary was a crook, we’re supposed to give Trump’s crooks a pass?

No. All crooks regardless of party need to go to jail. We - the American people - need to clean up this swamp - and that includes all the people Trump has brought in who are lining their own pockets just like all politicians do.

No reason for Republicans to slit their own throats by going after their own, until Democrats do it first.

What does that mean?

of course not. And until there is an “honest” investigation (one that convicts Hillary), no bad behavior by trump’s administration should be addressed. Makes sense.

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