Coming death of this Russian Collusion conspiracy

Well, they want to, but they’re unable to defend their positions, so they tucked tail and ran away. That’s how it works. Just ask them, they’ll tell you the same thing, right libs?


Oh… oops. lol


Right wing is all riled up because the Mueller report will show how big of a ■■■■ show this presodency is

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But no collusion that libs were telling us for last 2 plus years. :wink:

The the Trump camp meet with Russians?

So…They meet with lots of people.

Is that a crime?

Ok fair enough… How do you feel about Trump on national telling Russia to hack her emails

Actually he didn’t tell Russia to do anything. Can’t really hack a server that has already been shutdown and wiped clean with bleach bit.

But he did offer a tongue in cheek “Where’s Waldo” moment regarding the already missing 30,000 emails. :wink:

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Politicians and candidates meet with foreign dignitaries, including Russians, all of the time. But I guess Trump alone isn’t allowed to do what everyone else has done and will continue to do.

Its weird how this myth has become reality in the minds of the left. He was clearly joking, but they want to take him literally. But they don’t want to take him literally literally, or they would have to admit that he didn’t ask Russia to hack anyone.
Here, from Politico. The first paragraph is a statement of the interpretation of what Trump said and the second paragraph refutes the first paragraph. I can only guess that an honest editor demanded the second paragraph be included.

"Donald Trump invited Russia to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails on Wednesday, asking one of America’s longstanding geopolitical adversaries to find “the 30,000 emails that are missing” from the personal server she used during her time as secretary of state.

“I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” the Republican nominee said at a news conference in Florida. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”"


I honestly believe that most who continue to perpetuate the myth are simply regurgitating something they haven’t seen nor heard for themselves, having no idea what is being referenced beyond the talking points.

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I need cons to Trumpsplain to me.

How do you know when Trump is joking versus when he is serious? I’m struggling with this…

It’s seems when he makes an unbelievably dumb statement the common response is “he is joking”. However I never say him laughing or smiling… and often he doubles down (like dropping off asylum seekers in Sanctuary cities).

What are the queues I should be looking for?!


Someone who truly hates Trump will never be able to figure him out. They are simply too blinded by their hatred.

On the other hand, most reasonable people understand. They really do.

Context. For example, does he really thing the media would reward Russia mightily?

But if you are taking him literally, he only expressed a hope. He didn’t say Russia should do anything.
If he wanted Russia to hack anyone, he wouldn’t be announcing it this way.

“Clearly” joking. Reminds me of how Sarah Sanders tries to obfuscate what Trump’s says using that word, which infers precision of meaning.

Was he also “joking” when he said he “loved!” WikiLeaks?

I’ve come to the realization that whatever is realeased in the report may have some political power, but the legal ramificatioins will likely be nill.

Should the US government be paying for opposition research for one political party?

Ah, just the oppposite, you see: Those of us who disdain Trump have figured him out.

He’s never hidden who he was, we’ve known all along.

Each party will see exactly what they want to see from the Mueller report.

In regards to House Democrats, I’m still 100% certain we will see impeachment proceedings begin next year. I still believe they feel that will be their path to winning back the WH in 2020.

Actually you haven’t figured him out at all. :wink:

You didn’t answer my question…

What queues should I look for?

In the example above We were told Trump was joking (asylum dumping in sanctuary cities). Then he doubled down. What queues did he give to show he was joking?


I did answer your question. For someone who truly hates Trump, there are no clues. They will never be able to figure him out.