Comey 'Deviated' From Procedure in Clinton Probe, But Was Not Politically Biased, IG Says

The report is out.


Nah. But I send all sorts of messages. I send messages to this board. You send messages to this board. I have personal opinions about a lot of things including my politics and my co-workers and my bosses and the people who report to me, some of which I communicate and some of which I don’t, some of which are flattering and some of which are not.

I keep those messages and those opinions separate from my work product, though. It’s not that hard to do.

You seem to be having a hard time separating the messages from performance.

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What is the point in commissioning investigations if you are not going to accept them as valid?

To claim victimhood and conspiracy.

So it looks like Rod “The Man” Rosenstein is on his way or already at the White House to brief Donald “**** Weasel” Trump on the IG report. To be a fly on that wall :smiley:


Foxnews is categorizing it as a BOMBSHELL report that, get this, “chides” Comey.

I wonder if Rosenstein will run it through the same lens in presenting it to the President.

having to dodge all of the glassware being thrown? no thanks ;p

Anyone listening to Rush’s response to this BOMBSHELL report that “chides” Comey? What’s the spin from the CEC at this point?

Seems that the usual members of the FreeDumb Caucus are now targeting Strzok.

Wonder what our host will focus on, now that the report fizzled into a big NOTHINGBURGER.

How can they really say no Political Bias?

August 2016 text message exchange between Strzok and then-FBI lawyer Lisa Page about Trump’s chance of being elected president.

“[Trump’s] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!” Page texted Strzok.

“No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it,” Strzok responded.

That seems BIAS to me no?

They said no bias that was shown to impact any decisions.

Apparently it’s not bias.

This is really, really hard for you guys. I can tell.

What work product of his do you have that shows this bias?

No, it just wasn’t shown to have impacted any of the decisions made in the investigation.

Yeah of course not. And it was withheld from Congress.

Imagine if this had been about Obama or a president Hillary.

I’m sure we’ll hear more about that.

The IG seems to be indicating the investigation was mostly on the up and up.

Either accept the conclusions or don’t.

Call me skeptical, and as you know I’m no Trump fan.

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Have to read it all first. Back later.

I know.

But keep in mind who the “other side” is here making claims.

People like Nunes.

So you either trust the career professionals, or the politicians looking for red meat. Least that’s how I see it.

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I just don’t get Trump supporters. By multiple accounts what Comey did helped Trump and hurt Clinton.
Do any Trump supporters dispute this? And now we have Trump and his supporters going to take us through this fun house to tell us the earth is flat. They just can’t survive the notion that the deep state is a Fig Newton of their imagination.