Comey 'Deviated' From Procedure in Clinton Probe, But Was Not Politically Biased, IG Says

Bull ■■■■ and you know it. I’ll read the report for myself. Have a nice day.

I disagree. I think they need to look a little more realistically at everything and not be totally guided by guessing games and hopes. And I think it can happen. There are some very passionate people on the right. It’s not impossible to think they can figure this all out the way it really is.


You would think these folks would eventually tire of the constant face plants that Conservative Scandal Mongering provides.


I’m not criticizing him for Comey. I agree it wasn’t politics other than trying to protect the FBI.

There have been questions put in the minds of conservatives all along. And the reality just didn’t work out.

“Our review did not find documentary or testimonial evidence directly connecting the political views these employees expressed in their text messages and instant messages to the specific investigation decisions we reviewed”

You send text messages like that to your co-workers about your potential future bosses while you’re at work? Planning meetings and strategies?

I have no doubt they didn’t want Clinton. Until Trump won.

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I can agree to this. But to say political motivation wasn’t there…is totally absurd.

Look nothing farther then Strzok and Page text. And since Strzok was the main agent on the case you can’t tell me Comey wasn’t influenced.

Wither way it’s pretty much what you and I talked about long time ago. they will do whatever necessary to protect the FBI.

The public must never know the truth.

id rather try to get my kids to clean up their messes and go to bed on time…I feel that is a more worthwhile endeavor

If anything Michael Horowitz confirmed my suspicion.

Everything I have read about Horowitz is he’s a stand up guy. I disagree about Strozk and Page, but I wasn’t there.

I accept his conclusion in the absence of further evidence to the contrary.


Sounds eerily familiar.

Right on cue. Did you get a head start on discrediting him did you wait till the last minute?

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Entirely predictable

Color me surprised.

Well done Sneaky. I mean that genuinely.

Anything but reconsider your broken worldview, eh?

I’m on my phone so can’t post the links. But is there any good explanation as to why the text saying “we’ll stop him”, referring to Trump, was withheld from Congress?

Got to read the whole report before jumping to conclusions but that certainly sounds like bias to me.

Yeaaaa, like Comey, after listing all the laws Hillery violated, promptly states " No reasonable prosecutor would prefer charges because there was no evidence of intent ". Of course, INTENT WAS NOT A REQUIREMENT for the laws she violated.