Cleveland…. Guardians?

Guardians??? WTH???

There’s plenty of colors left to name themselves the Blue Sox or Green Sox or some other cool name like that.

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Should have been the Cleveland Spiders.

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At least the Dodgers have a cool story… guardians of traffic? Hard pass.

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We agree it is a very stupid name.

Hey let’s leave color out of it

Actually, trolleys ran in Brooklyn well into the 1940s. Ebbits Field was on its own city block and each street surrounding the stadium had a trolley line. The only was to get there was to cross a street with tracks while “dodging” the trolley cars.

Over the years there has been talk about suing to stop the Dodgers from using a name that clearly belongs to Brooklyn.

I don’t have a problem with Guardians. Maybe people will start calling them the Guard. That sounds pretty cool.

Let’s be honest, had they been called that since the early 1900s, no one would have any issue with it. All new team names sound weird at first until we get used to them.

Also, imagine if the Indians were in New York or Boston, and their name was changed to the Yankees or Red Sox. People on social media would be saying those names were the dumbest and most ridiculous names ever. Same goes with the Atlethics and Reds.

I got their mascot.


Louis Sockalexis

by the same logic, you are not from canada

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we did?

they named the team after stylized guard rails? if i were an indian i’d be offended.

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There are two teams named after socks.

Everyone needs to calm down.


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Speaking of Cleveland and Indians:


Shoulda modernized Chief Wahoo and renamed them the Cleveland Tribe.

The virus was from China but we’re not allowed to associate the two so why is this different?

Sounds like a name they use in a movie about a pro sports team where they can’t actually use the real name of a pro sports team.

Granted, this is the Sports Forum, but isn’t it wonderful SJWs can
Focus their time & energy on such urgent concerns like a name & Chief Wahoo rather than on actual life threatening matters like this?
