Civil War Within the Democratic Party?

Slippery slope! Universal healthcare = Universal Marriage! Dogs marrying Air Conditioners! Children marrying Hamburgers!


Personally, Iā€™d rather have Pelosi. A poster here mentioned that she is a master of procedure like McConnell is. I want the most effective check on the President.

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Pelosi obviously on her last legs shes 78. Like you say. 2 years and done with her. and onto the next thing.

Iā€™d love to see her stick it to trump for the next two.

as far as the title of the thread, its not a civil war but a leadership question.

can Nancy stay for two years or do we need an immediate new leader.

its very debatable. but hardly a civil war. LOL


At first I thought itā€™d be better to have someone new, but now that I think about it, maybe she can do her thing while they groom someone and show that person the ropes.

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LOL. Outreach gets 9% of the vote.


Yeah but the GOP elected a guy with an eye patch. So why do the Dems hate pirates so much??

Making fun of a wounded veteranā€¦ ?

Derp derp. Of course not.


we can make fun of John McCain all we want

Oh wait that was donald trumpā€¦never mind


I thought you didnā€™t like Trumps behavior?

only one of those were making fun of a veteran. guess which

some GOP members will vote ā€œpresentā€ in support of Pelosi.


See how those white people stick togetherā€¦lol!


10Lynyrd Skynyrd

I am not the first to point this out, but THE GOP RAN AGAINST PELOSI THIS YEAR IN THE MIDTERMS (pardon me being shouty) And they just got their asses kicked mightily

Your definition of mightily and mine differ. The dems had an average midterm gain in the House. Not a ā€œmightyā€ victory or even an above average one.

Democrats had their largest Congressional victory in well over 40+ years. A longer time than many voters who participated in this election have even been alive. Democrats had well over 10 Million more votes cast in their favor than for Republicans. Even with the field in the Senate being the toughest it has been for one party in over 60+ years, they still only lost, when all is said and done, 2 seats. This was a referendum on Trump, and by a large majority America resoundingly showed that they oppose him and what he is. America rejects Trump is the take-away from this midterm election.


ā€œFudgeā€? Thatā€™s a joke right?


10 Charles

Consider when everything is said and done I bet democrats spent almost billion dollars more.

And thatā€™s not counting propaganda networks contribution.