Cindy McCain posts hateful message she received from a stranger

His people had to be told. Not Obama himself. Trump himself is losing a battle he started with John McCain! That is classic Trump.

I voted for Nixon, I voted for Trump, I voted for McCain, I voted for Bush I once, I voted for Bush II twice, I didn’t support going to Iraqi but I supported finishing what we started and I supported the troops, I did not support the Patriot Act and many on the left sure didn’t have a problem with it under Obama.

I despise her, but Hillary was right about the basket.

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Death threats? Please provide a source for this. The OP mentions nothing about death threats.

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“Hope your Mrs. Piggy-looking daughter chokes to death” is close enough for me. But this is a pretty niggling nit to pick in the greater context of what I was saying.

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I\m sure it is close enough for you, since it isn’t a threat.

Dude. Come on. You’d freak if Hillary said that about your daughter.

Yeesh, Tiffany Nicole sounds like a great person to hang out with. :neutral_face:

So if someone told you they hope all of your children die, that would be in no way threatening to you. Interesting.

You lied about what it said and you know you did.

“I hope your children die” <— a horrible thing to say to another human being.

“I will kill your children” <— an actual threat. also a horrible thing to say.

Good grief. I surrender. It wasn’t technically a death threat. It was a death “wish”. That’s not as bad. None of us would feel threatened if we received messages from strangers saying they hope our children die. No big deal. McCain deserves it for getting captured. Let’s all send some fun messages to veteran widows today hoping their loved ones die. It’s harmless. Whatever.

Ok it’s true, I’m a liar.

Ps: You’re smart.

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Correct, I never felt threatened when stupid people on the internet have said things just like that to me. It’s a guaranteed occurrence if you post an opinion on a popular Facebook page. lol

Just take note of what these people post.


These Trump Supporters making these statements to the McCain Family have no moral compass. They’re morally bankrupt, devoid of the concept of right and wrong. I’m not saying all Trump Supporters, but those who use internet to spread hate and hurtful words…yeah them, they certainly are.


And Cool…don’t forget cool…like the president, he supports.

And for decades and decades they preached about…

Christian Values
Family Values
Fiscal Responsibility
Personal Responsibility

I told you guys that a bunch of these people were pretending in public.

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I still do…and here it comes. That is what I always viewed as REAL CONSERVATISM. Not sure what passes for conservatism today. I don’t get it. I try to live by Respect, Responsibility and Right from wrong. My Grandfather’s both were democrats, but they were conservative democrats. I learned from both of them and my parents that those values you cite above are much more important than selling out.

I think a ton of democrats on this very board are way more conservative than a ton of the Trump voters on this board. Both personally and fiscally.

But it’s a good game they play. They appear one way in public and then act the opposite.