Cindy McCain posts hateful message she received from a stranger

It’s a shame so many liberals are replying.

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i bet there are americans who voted for Nixon, voted for Trump, supported the Patriot Act, supported the Iraqi war, voted for McCain, voted for Bush (W) and deny it all today.

What if you’re a liberal pretending to be a conservative. That would make sense, would someone knowingly write such silly things, so I ask myself, is this all for show?

Trump is just a punk and causes chaos.

He loves it and the really hateful and mean people in the country, who like him, let their hate out.

That’s all this era is.

The President supports this kind of atmosphere every time he gets behind a microphone. If someone doesn’t see that, they’re either hopelessly naive or they tacitly support it.

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And the links to those attacks instead of someone saying there were attacks? You are failing badly here, my friend. Very badly.

Good grief. Why do i have to do this with some of you every 8 or 10 months or so?? I gave you a quote that would be easy enough to look up, because I assumed your google machine worked, but I also knew you’d continue to walk into this unaware, so…

Here is a nytimes article with

-obama telling people to stop attacking mccain’s service record
-mccain saying it’s happened multiple times
-and a quote from wesley clarke (an obama surrogate) attacking mccain’s service.

Stop being so predictable and educate yourself for a change.

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so Obama told them to stop.
when is Trump going to tell his supporters to stop?

trump isn’t attacking mccain’s service record.

His has in the past (unapologetic)
and his supporter are right now.

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It wasn’t Trump on the access Hollywood tape.

Not true. trump tried to bury the hatchet and apologize for his remarks when he endorsed mccain in the 2016 Arizona primary. mccain accepted his endorsement, and went on to win his primary bid. He also endorsed trump for president, but later withdrew his endorsement. He also promised his voters he would repeal obamacare.

He was a liar, and a bitter old man.

Wrong, Trump is attacking everything about John McCain. His very being. His envy of McCain is palpable and transparent. Somewhere, somehow, Trump was injured. Deeply enough that we should feel some empathy for him. He’s sensitive to the slightest pinprick, which threatens his sense of self. He has a deep sense of insecurity, which manifests itself in his two primary emotions: rage and envy.

Thank you :joy::joy::joy:

Obama is a better man than Trump.

It was Strzok!

Tiny donnie is fighting a dead man…and the dead man is winning…

Yeah classy of you. Your guy is punking out a man who has been dead 7 months and you some how find a way to make that ok. Excellent work.

That…is the greatest line ever!

hussein FINALLY told his people to stop after it happened so many times that mccain’s campaign, and then mccain himself started complaining about it publicly.

And to my knowledge, hussein never apologized. trump did.

hussein is a lowlife scumbag jihadi kenyan ladyboy.

Who is this Hussein? Not following?