Cindy McCain posts hateful message she received from a stranger

john mccain’s memory is off limits, but hysterical leftists like loclasshio vortex can kick the corpse of reagan (an alzheimers sufferer) all they want.

We get it, you all hate trump.

mccain’s person should have acted more honorably, if he wanted his memory cherished.

Revisionist history is the worst. The so-called “skinny repeal” was not going to repeal Obamacare. That is such a joke. It was Obamacare-lite. It was going to maintain about 95% of Obamacare. All that vote of McCain’s did was prevent Trump from getting a garbage propaganda victory where he could claim something that was not true. That he fulfilled his promise to repeal and replace Obamacare, which that garbage legislation absolutely would NOT accomplish.

I opposed the ACA from its inception. I wanted Trump to actually follow through on the promise to repeal and replace. But he didn’t even try. Because he is lazy, intellectually vacuous, and like a moron actually proclaimed that no one knew healthcare was so complicated.

So I’m glad McCain voted down that crapola, and kept Trump from getting some stupid “win” that his mindless, cult followers could wrongly claim as a victory. Preventing the cult from touting a lie, that they had actually repealed Obamacare, makes McCain all the more respectable.


Remember when Lee was the moderator here and he would delete any post that trashed military members. He would have to delete Trump’s own tweets and a bunch of Republican posts if he were still here.


Anyone sticking up for Donny on this is a piece of ■■■■■ Nothing more needs to be said


I am sad to say Trump would not like your father. He likes people who were not captured.


Go ahead and link “when the Obama campaign was sending out their surrogates to trash McCain’s Service Record.”

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Easy for cowards to throw accusations out like that. Now prove it.

I don’t think you guys are enjoying this as much as I am. People who actually voted for John McCain to be the president of the country and the leader of the free world are trashing him non stop now.

That’s glorious.


Nothing, IMO, shows the cult like behavior of CRC-like donnie followers than their 180 over John McCain. Let’s remember that 10 years ago, he was the Republican nominee for President. Now, because their lord and master commands it, they trash his war-record, they trash his sacrifices as a POW, they trash his service in the Senate AS a Republican Senator, and they send disgusting tweets to his widow.

All in the name of their lord donnie.



5th Ave Syndrome in action.

Who’d you vote for in 2008 for President?

They’ll say they didn’t vote for McCain (let’s pretend we believe them :wink:) . But you know they didn’t vote for Obama.

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Cool. Blackwolf’s prediction in the 4th post of this thread came true.

Has anyone kicked Reagan for HAVING Alzheimers? Did anyone LIE about Reagan having Alzheimers? Isn’t it a fact that he did?

You know, I can only speculate, but I would not have been surprised to see the “evolution” we’ve seen in trump worshippers happen to Lee if he were still here.


IMO…Ms. McCain is way above that type of action. What I suspect as a real possibility is some jerk posing as a Trump supporter, who isn’t…for no other reason that to create ill feelings towards them.

Your instincts are way off.

Better check those spidey senses before it costs you.

this type of behavior is common place online among the worst of Trump supporters.

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This is why it’s such a joke when conservatives in that Smollett thread were like " we knew all along!" well yeah, you believe everything is a false flag and you’re right on occasion but you still look stupid.