Christian involvement in politics

“Christian Right” is a term coined by the media which actually covers a diverse group of people who are in equally diverse denominations. The same would be true if everyone else was “Christian Left”. Christian Right is in all denominations. So is Christian Left.

You keep acting like Trumps sex life is the only non Chrustian thing about him. Trump is about as anti Christian on every possible front. But hey tax cuts and politics > ideals of jesus… we get it

When I say “Christian Right” I’m talking about people like Jerry Falwell who are high profile religious figures who forces solely on politics.

The entire bible is essentially gossip

Isn’t that an oxymoron?

No there is a Christian left most notably the civil right movement was highly religious.

Yeah, I mean it’s not like you should have done a cursory ■■■■■■■ scan of the guy you were supporting to run the free world.

When ‘‘christians’’ go around professing how their faith is such moral certainty, all you have to do is look at their political choices to realize what a hypocrites they are.

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I don’t pay attention to Falwell or the others either.

The Republican Party was founded on civil rights against the racist Democrats. Martin Luther King, Jr. had to fight southern Democrats during the entire movement. Eisenhower was the one who sent troops to Arkansas to desegregate schools in the Democrat-controlled. segregationist south. JFK opposed MLK’s March on Washington in 1963 and Eisenhower’s 1957 civil rights legislation. It was the Kennedys–Democrats–who had MLK wiretapped by the FBI on suspicion of being a communist. The Civil Rights laws signed by LBJ were authored and passed by congressional Republicans first.

Pretending ignorance is not a very good argument.

And that’s what I was afraid of with so many excusing Trump’s past, unrepentant moral failings at the time. I don’t know where he stands on that “I’ve never asked for forgiveness” thing now. Many of the people surrounding him assure us he is a believer now. If that’s the case, he is still rough around the edges to say the least. I hope they are right. But with some of the tweets, the latest being the “Horseface” one, I don’t know. Then again, like I said on another thread, I’ve said some pretty embarrassing things when angry at people myself. So I don’t know.

How do you know @Meriweather is not telling the truth? I pay attention to politics and news a lot, maybe too much, but I am pretty selective in what I watch and pay attention to as well, and I have many friends who are the same. It’s not that hard to believe that when one doesn’t want to hear things they consider gossip or ungodly, they just tune it out.

Isnt how it is so weird they cant just straight up say trumps behavior is immoral and not Christian like? They cant do that. They have to rationalize it to make seem ok. After all I’m pretty sure the 10th commandment was thou shall not covet thy neighbors wife, unless a tax cut or supreme court pick is at stake

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Much of what goes on in the world is “ungodly.” It is certainly your choice to avoid knowing about it, though I’m not sure how one does that. Jesus didn’t do that.

I’m not unaware. I don’t bury my head in the sand. But neither do I–knowingly seek out I guess are the right words–things that aren’t for me as a believer if that makes sense.

I’m not sure anyone says it’s OK.

What are people supposed to do now? Storm the White House with pitchforks? Vote for Hillary instead?

People complain. But then what? Should I hate Trump as much as the guy complaining? And if I do … then what?

It’s not about hate or the false binary choice. It’s about maintaining credibility. You’re right, not everyone is saying these things are okay. The problem is there are not enough people on the right saying it’s not while still supporting what the President does politically. When all people hear is the praise without the “but,” it looks like we support everything. Of course, the enemies of President Trump aren’t likely to change their minds anyway regardless of how conservatives look. For many of them, arguments or discussions like this are just another club to try to beat up conservatives with. For me at least, my third party vote and highlighting the positive and the negative equally were more about pleasing the Lord and making the best informed decisions that are available at the time. All the great things President Trump has done makes 2020 an even tougher choice than 2016.

I think many of us would like to give the President two pieces of advice: One, please stop with the name-calling. Two, don’t chase the lies. Instead, keep attention focused on policies.

As far as what people might do now, perhaps reflect on whether we see someone who perhaps only has faith the size of a mustard seed, but with it is managing to move some mountains. My practice of what Christ taught is perhaps different from how the President practices his faith. If so, then one has to admire what faith the size of a mustard seed can accomplish. We have watched President Trump free captives, give hope to the hopeless, and work towards bringing peace to hot spots of the world.

As one book advises, perhaps Let Trump be Trump.

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Never say Benghazi 3 times!