Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine Coronavirus cures?

To blow smoke? No I guess you don’t.

And why did the pharmacist refuse it? Government.

You, of all people, see what is happening here brother. The divide is growing. Feelings versus facts. Science versus emotion. You can’t win and the slide will continue. This is why I pray daily. It’s terrifying and my only solace has become prayer.


Are we not searching for actual remedies?

Obviously those who have never treated a patient are in a far better position to judge whether a treatment is effective or not.

Or something.

Authoritarian high modernism.

Not within 12 hours of seeing the doctor.

Now it’s remedies? The patient got well?

Emotions have driven the entire response to this virus, mostly fear and unwarranted panic.

What has “science” done to address it? Wash your hands for 20 seconds. Stay 6’ apart. Cough into your sleeve? Where did 20 and 6 come from?

Is this the science that said “36,000 more ventilators in NYC or else!”?

The science that said “Stay inside, it doesn’t like sunlight!”?

The science that said “No motorboats, sail boats are ok”?

There is no “science”. What there is is “scientists” guessing. And they’re losing credibility.


Everything I need to know to mitigate this, I learned in ■■■■■■■ kindergarten. Thanks for the reminder, let’s get back to work.

“Science” is no longer scientific, it is now a political weapon wielded by activists with an agenda.

It doesn’t matter if we’re talking “Climate Change”, Economics, or Medicine, “Science” has been co opted and replaced with an agenda.

You can stay inside.


I wasn’t referring to science, I was referring to math.

Who are you talking to?

“Math” is a science.

DTTB call must have gone out.

You believe in it too.

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“Science” didn’t say any of the things other than 6’ and 20 seconds.

The rest was politicians…likely cutting deals.

Believe in what?

No? Are you sure?

Science didn’t say ventilators?

Who do you think has their hands up the pols asses making their mouths move?