Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine Coronavirus cures?

“… unless South Korea did it”?

Zero for three.

That’s OK, though…Willie Mays went 1 for his first 27 in his career.

There’s hope for you…:sunglasses:

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Dumbspeak. She is within her rights to go off label and treat her patients as she sees fit. But to stand in some square with a bullhorn and tell people that other Doctors are not treating their patients as they should by following standard treatments is irresponsible and smacks of politicization rather than patient advocacy.

Recovery from COVID is rather common, there are bad cases to be sure but the overwhelming number of patients who contract COVID recover with simple supportive care. And that supportive care doesn’t carry the risk of sudden cardiac death. Again, if a Doctor wants to try novel approaches or off label meds, as long as the patient is aware of the risks have at it.

But intimating that standard approaches are inferior is a falsity until it is proven to be so. Randomized controlled trials are needed to shift HCQ from off label to standard of care.

There is an old saying in medicine that I think of when I see folks take HCQ for COVID…

“If you take antibiotics for a cold, the cold goes away in 7 days, but if you don’t take antibiotics the cold will go away in a week”.


Is it? How we doing with them?

Does the good doctor not understand the difference between anecdote and data? Do you?

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Of course I do. Her patients are data.


I thought that said “Red-headed Librarian”

I’m so disappointed.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Pretty well actually.

85% or so of people who get COVID recover on their own with standard care.

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:rofl: You’re taking credit for “at home with no care?”

She says in the video that 98% of those with Coronavirus need no treatment at all so Inwonder how many patients she had with Coronavirus and how many she treated with Hydroxychloroquine. If she’s consistent with what she said in her speech it shouldn’t of been more than 1 or 2 given the treatment at most


What gave you that idea?

Ask her.

That’s the vast majority of patients.

Has the good doctor calculated the probability of chance versus efficacy of her treatment?

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What does that matter? They recovered. I don’t care if she gave them peanut M&Ms, they got well.

Listen again. It’s patient advocacy when the pharmacist won’t fill the scrip.

And that’s why you aren’t in research.

Doctors treat to minimize symptoms all the time.