Chick fil-A will Close 1st restaurant, after protests in UK

Difference being it is evangelicals that go on about the sanctity of marriage. It is evangelicals and so called christian conservatives that preach to the rest of us.

And these same self appointed guardians of our morals no put their faith in Trump. Oh thats right by winning the presidency he somehow became a man of virtual and honor. LMAO people are so gullible.

And fwiw I certainly don’t think marriage is a sacred institution.

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Easiest fix is to get government out of marriage.

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Why? What would that accomplish? it would make legal protections that are cheap much more expensive.

So a bratty little protest group in the U.K. got their way and forced the shopping center to deny Chick-fil-A’s lease renewal. What a bunch of sniveling baby morons.


You’re right. People should really stop hating others for having opinions.


Divorce is already expensive as hell, there has always been a libertarian movement to get government out of marriage, it’s not a new proposal.

And libs are proud of it. But again it’s their MO. To harass, stalk, assault, threaten until they do.

All while promoting their own hate and intolerance.


Or maybe a company should take their public positions of intolerance against historically oppressed groups into account when they decide to open up shops in other nations where their ugliness will not be as accepted.


incorrect. sorry

Harassment, stalking, assault, threats.

All things that same sex couples have had to deal with throughout human history and are finally being reined in, much to the chagrin of social cons.

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chick fila is not intolerant to anyone

One can file for divorce on one’s own. It is the division of the common property and parental rights that can be expensive.

Like most things from the Libertarian movement, it is ill thought out and not beneficial to the vast majority of people.

Not as moronic as those who in this country continuously bitch and moan about the deep state and the swamp.

Last think the UK needs is to import more ■■■■ fast food from America.


Except that we repeatedly saw where civil unions were not being treated the same as marriages.


yeah thats pretty much the left in a nutshell

not that i don’t believe you, but i gotta go by what i see

(as long as it’s credible)

Gay marriage is legal.
That argument is done.

The argument, should companies be shamed or shunned, if they use their profits to support hate groups.

I believe they should.

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But what about my chicken sandwich???

I mean sure, but it’s not even that great of a chicken sandwich.

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Ya its expensive for how little you get too