Chick fil-A will Close 1st restaurant, after protests in UK

So you missed the word MOST.

so you missed “all”

It can’t be both. And where did you obtain this definition anyways?

it’s not obvi that it’s from wiki?

“most or all” sounds pretty encompassing to me

You can be mostly something or all something. You can’t be both.

Kentucky … FRIED … Chicken :wink:

As for CFA, they cost too much and Whatburger is handy…

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Popeyes had a temporary offer on chicken like Chick-fil-A…they sold out…better and cheaper than Chick-fil-A.

That’s nice.

Homosexual acts should have never been legalized. Even is enforcement was spotty those statutes protected us from the perverts and their allies running amuck … and that was good.

No. The baby morons got their way by throwing a hissy fit.

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A guy in Tennessee sued them for running out of chicken sandwiches! :slight_smile:

Same thing being carried out in congress with this fake impeachment…if libs cry and throw a big hissy fit maybe…just maybe enough repugs will give in to em.

And why not? It’s not like they meaning repugs haven’t don so in the past.

Don’t like homosexual acts…don’t have homosexual sex yourself. Easy peasy.


How can something that has not happened yet be called “fake”?

Its either all or most, can’t be both.

I wish KFC had chicken nuggets. I go to Chuck Fil A mainly because they have better chicken nuggets than McDonald’s and because of their waffle fries. (Wendy’s is pretty good too, except after the incident with the finger being put into the food I kind of avoid it).

If anyone can tell me a place with GOOD chicken nuggets and waffle fries, I will happily bring my business to them.

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Dude, you used a wiki entry for the term used around the world. How were Civil Unions treated in the US? My recollection is they did not automatically grant all the rights that marriages did. Further, they were not recognized across state lines like marriages are which is pretty important. Each state could decide on their own to recognize civil unions.

yes i understand what “or” means

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That is the entire basis for US politics - can’t get rid of that.

my research shows they granted most “rights” that marriage (whatever that means nowadays) did

if not all

NO - when gays act gay they are forcing it down my throat and demanding I accept it as normal as straights acting straight! They’re flaunting it and using the gubmint to force me to bend over and accept their unnatural acts! I’m agin um!

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