Check this out. Subpoena the house phones and emails

You don’t remember him taking an uber to the WH ten minutes after he was briefed about the pee-pee tapes?

But here you go:

Tons of reporting out there on this.

That he was held in contempt by Congress is also basically meaningless. Don’t believe me? Ask everyone from the Obama administration they held in contempt.

Wow! The guy can’t just shut up, can he? Always running to the WH. Blah blah blah. That all you got?

So um, yeah. Thanks for agreeing with me Conan.

And then what?

Like I originally said and you agreed with, at some point the majority is going to get tired of being ruled by the minority and that calculus will change.

And majority will put there boots on neck of minority…is that what you’re saying Peter?

Ten years off, most likely. The later millennials, once they hit 35, it’s all gonna be different.

Attorney General Sessions backs Rosenstein and puts the rubes on the House intel committee on notice. Keep this ■■■■ up and you’re going to get owned.

You can only push people around so long Conan. Eventually it’s going to catch up to you.

Says the person that supports using goverment as a political weapon.

Thus the reason why you must never again be allowed to regain power…ever!!!

Sit down and eat your peas, snowflake.

Why don’t you make me.

How old are you?

I see the little mutt nipping at my heels again.

That would be you. You’re the one demanding political prosecutions of every politician and bureaucrat who you don’t like.

Why don’t you admit you want to make it illegal to oppose Trump.

I see the village idiot needs a diaper change.

Damn straight…if they abused their power I want em prosecuted.

Don’t you?

Careful, folks! We have an internet tough guy on the boards. Tread carefully around @conan, as he seems triggered at the moment.

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As has been amply demonstrated in this thread, there was no abuse of power, just a bluff being called. So “if true” speculation isn’t a valid position.