Check this out. Subpoena the house phones and emails

Sure their hasn’t.

“If you do this, then legally I get to do this”

ZOMG abooz of powuh. Come on.

That’s not how it works for you. You decide who you hate in government, then invent a reason to prosecute them. I know that you know your “abuse of power” cries are BS. This isn’t about justice. It’s about petty political revenge, or more recently, it’s about deflecting attention from your corrupt master.

Oh my god. You have openly and repeatedly said you support trump so that liberals can be punished.

I mean, you also used to pretend you supported trump so that he could burn everything down. Whatever that means. But lately you’ve been all like “ go trump for sticking it to the libs!”

And you are going to complain about people weoponizing politics? Lol.

Are you referring to nunes who has been feeding information to people under federal investigation?

His response to this has typically been that he’s only doing it because the “libs” started it, which is false obviously because it’s only his perceived oppression that he’s acting against

He’s like a guy who’s always starting fights at a bar because some stranger “looked at him wrong”.

Quote Originally Posted by Sean_Hannity View Post
Here at the show we are all about solutions, whether we are talking about how to get people back to work, helping our nation become energy independent or helping you to navigate our website a little easier. I hope you enjoy the new site, which allows you to find the answers you need more quickly, from breaking news and midterm elections to the latest news out the Middle East. Make sure to tune in Friday, I have a surprise announcement about the new site I think you might like. Keep the feedback coming and we’ll certainly do our best to make sure this is a great resource for us all to have an open, honest discussion about the topics that matter most to the future of our nation.

Thanks Hannity for the forum and allowing us to express our opinions.

As of today the number one issue is our government and threat it poses to a free society. The dangers that we are witnessing from this administration is far more dangerous then radical religious thugs in middle east. They me take our lives, but radicals in the white house can take our freedoms that the radicals with guns can only dream of.

Again thanks for this opportunity.

Last edited by Conan; June 19th, 2014 at 1:04 pm.

What do you think I was talking about here?

What do you think I was talking about when I was warning my follow conservatives 12 plus years ago about Patriot Act…that it will more likely be used against THEM then intended target?

Oh libs loved me back then for not supporting the Patriot Act at the time…but they called me paranoid.

Now that libs realized/learned what they can do with it…they love it.

Again. You cared about the patriot act being used against conservatives. You only care about the DoJ targeting conservatives now.

You don’t care about justice. You don’t care about “abuse”.

You only care about your guys. Protecting your guys. You’re more than happy to have government abuses against liberals which is why you’re calling for political prosecutions against anyone who you even sense to be a liberal, which these days is anyone that opposes your master Trump.

Too bad. Libs must never again regain power…EVER!!!

Whatever. You’re a hypocrite with an extremely inflated ego. You claim to have principles and values but it turns out you’re nothing more than a blind partisan like every other tribal Trump worshiper.

You don’t care about the country. You only care about your tribe.

I want to be around to witness the meltdown when power changes hands, as it inevitably does. Should be epic.

Probably hanging out with Mike Pence somewhere.

How many times are you going to waste bandwidth repeating that line. We get it and are not going to discuss it. .

Doesn’t that post just ooze cloud screaming and cane rattling?

I’m afraid to walk on my lawn after reading all that… Don’t want to get yelled at from across the street… :slight_smile:

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Yeah, there was ooze coming out of his mouth, his ears, his…whatever.

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Be like Burt on “Soap” and make yourself invisible.

LMAO… Thank you for taking me back… I remember watching this…

In 2008 it definitely was. They were flying upside down flags and ■■■■■ Priceless.