Check out these lovelies. It seems YOU CAN judge a book by it's cover


From where?

I don’t know, I didn’t make the website that declares itself a joke on the front page.

I guess you could email them and ask their intentions.


42 posts wasted on a fake website. I bet one of you bought something from their store too.

Meanwhile, the whole wide world of reality is out there, waiting for us to come back.

I love this place!


Me too. The Antafa thug defenders are out in full force! :joy:


You’re antifa. I called it. No take-backs.

@purpngold TAG…ahahaha, you’re antifa too now. No take backs.

“With our power combined” :rofl:

Cmon if these alleged antifa thugs would just invest in a wig and a spray tan and some pancake makeup and put on a couple hundred pounds they’d look like a leader chosen by god. Choices have consequences.


The boomers who believe everything they see on the internet and love to judge everyone by their appearance are out in full force! :joy:


What a weird link in the OP. That links back to a January “article”.

You can do a Google search on that image and it’s some meme all over right wing sites. Never any actual sourcing. Weird that it never showed up here before. But it popped up on 4chan in mid July and bingo, here it is.


I did a bit of searching. Some of those images go back to 2015.


Strange that


I’m sure the OP will be along any minute to admit and apologize for the mistake, just like the president would do.

Alternatively, he’ll double or triple down…


Is anyone going to retract?

Funny they criticize Snopes even as their source is debunked. That’s a great laugh right there.


'Peaceful Protesters".

Below is a list of those who were arrested alongside their charges:

  • Rowan Olsen, 19, of Portland, is charged with disorderly conduct, creating a hazard on federal property, and failing to obey a lawful order
  • Shant Singh Ahuja, 28, of Oceanside, California, is charged with destruction of federal property
  • Andrew Steven Faulkner, 24, of Beaverton, Oregon, is charged with assaulting federal officers
  • Gretchen Margaret Blank, 29, of Seattle, Washington, is charged with assaulting federal officers
  • Christopher Fellini, 31, of Portland, is charged with assaulting federal officers
  • Cody Porter, 28, of Portland, is charged with assaulting federal officers
  • Taimane Jame Teo, 24, of Eugene, Oregon is charged with assaulting federal officers

The U.S. Attorney’s Office - District of Oregon also released the following information about the charges:

On July 2-3, 2020, Olsen is accused of using his body to push on and hold a glass door at the Hatfield Courthouse closed, preventing officers from exiting the building and causing the door to shatter. With the door broken, a mortar firework entered the courthouse, detonating near the officers. The officers used shields and their bodies to block the open doorway for approximately six hours until demonstrators dispersed.

On July 4, 2020, Ahuja is accused of willfully destroying a closed-circuit video camera mounted on the exterior of the Hatfield Courthouse.

On July 5, 2020, Blank is accused of assaulting a federal officer with a shield while the officer was attempting to arrest another protestor.

On July 5-6, 2020, Faulkner, Fellini, Porter, and Teo are accused of assaulting federal officers with high intensity lasers. At the time of his arrest, Faulkner also possessed a sheathed machete.

more colbert wisdom

liberals control information. they pretend their hard bias is factual

Can’t believe anything from that website.

How many times have you been taken in by fake news?

Plenty I bet.


Regardless that it is from January, some of the pictures are hilarious. :rofl:

What the heck is this? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
