Check out these lovelies. It seems YOU CAN judge a book by it's cover

oops, my bad.

Here’s what wiki says about prntly, with footnotes:



Here’s the local news from last night’s mayhem. It lists the names, but no pictures. I wonder where prntly got them.

The hard left doesn’t care about that of course. He’s on their side is all that matters. :roll_eyes:

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Lol they’re so ugly and their hair is weird! I hope they rot in prison forever for making me uncomfortable!

See y’all at church tomorrow - God bless. :us:


They should throw the book at those “people”.

I have no problem with appropriate punishment.
I do not approve of rioters and looters.

Facts tend to have a lib bias


Then we are in agreement there. :+1:

A myth among the left.

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Can you reference the times Snopes have been wrong, misleading or refused to provide links?

Jeez, have you folks seen a picture of Trump lately? Pot, kettle, black…

“If you don’t know they are a liberal bias organization, then can’t help you”

Even Prntly admits that Prntly is full of ■■■■ seeing that they are among those that consider CNN fake news.

The very first thing on their website


So cali was right.

This is nothing but bull.

Now lets ask ourselves, why did @Altair1013 bring misinformation to us? Was in on purpose? Did he not know he was sourcing from a satire site?

How come @gooddad409 didn’t look into it himself first? Was it because the fake site made them feel good? Have they accepted yet, that they are the victim of misinformation?

How come it took until @calirepub to notice the article was from January, and that it was from a satire site?

Then how come even after Calirepub went out of their way to make sure we were getting correct info, some refused to take it?

Thank you @calirepub. Thank you for making sure we were informed, and not mislead

Everyone, thank Cali for their effort to make sure we weren’t mislead, and then later misleading people, like the OP.,

Now, those promoting misinformation, apologize and feel shame.


What do you think they are?



I just did a search for a .gif that somehow demonstrated chasing a fart in the wind.

No success, but if I would have found it, i’d have used it in reply.

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They posed for misinformation? What do you think the pictures were for?