Check out these lovelies. It seems YOU CAN judge a book by it's cover

You mean like this guy from the link? :rofl:


Google image search shows that photo has been on the internet since 2017 at least. Mug shots are public. There are people that put together websites of “funny mugshots”. That’s where the photos in the OP come from.

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I understand. I think some of the photos are hilarious.

I prefer to judge people based on their actions. How should we judge posting pictures and incorrectly alleging they are Antifa arrest pictures?


Most of those people look like meth heads. I suppose someone could make the argument that antifa is made up of meth heads, but most of the meth heads I’ve known throughout my life have been Republicans.

Hey look, nobody is forcing you to look at anything. You know where the door is.

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A suggestion for the OPer. One can use Google image search to see those pics are just random “funny mugshot photos” that have been floating around the internet for years.

Be better.




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It may not be true, but at least people were having fun.

Doubtful at best.

Which of those freaks would you allow to babysit your children?

You would allow someone you don’t know to babysit your children based on their photograph alone? Interesting criteria you’re using here.

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Appearances have consequences…there’s a sick mind behind someone who would choose to look like that.

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None. How should we judge posting these pictures alleging they are Antifa arrest pictures when they are not? I answered your question.


I didn’t judge that they were. But those idiots should at least be sterilized…

I was referring to your don’t judge by appearance comment.

Ok. We all judge by appearances to a degree but in the end, it is actions and character that counts. One of those pics looks like somebody that I could have hung out with 30 years ago.

I agree in theory, character and actions should rule our judgement, but at the same time, you can tell much about a person without knowing anything about their characters, actions or record. A person who dresses and does to their bodies what they do already indicates they are non-conformists. They put on display that they don’t conform to societal norms and more often than not, that includes our laws. If they deliberately try to shock people, or at least don’t care what people think by the way they look, why does it offend you libs when I judge and call them the freaks they are clearly trying to be? I just find your programmed responses made without thought amusing sometimes…

Hmmm, I grew up a punk rocker. Then I was goth. My dress was black pretty much always and certainly was unconventional. For a while I had black long hair also. Earrings. Played bass in an industrial band.

I wasn’t an anarchist and obeyed laws. Sure I didn’t conform to societal norms but is there a problem with that? I didn’t care if people like you called me a freak. I didn’t wake up caring what you think and I went to bed not caring what you think.

Today, I am much more conformist in dress although I still eschew dressing with visible brands as it contradicts my ethics. I’m still different in appearance than the normal yet I work for a major corporation that is pretty conservative. People care far less than they used to.

What’s my point in all of this? I’ll agree appearances matter but they are decreasingly accurate barometers of the person. I’ll take a goth chick that has a heart of gold over some country club gal that looks like everyone else consumed with material things. Each to their own. I’m not telling you your opinion is wrong, just not necessarily right for everyone else which I’m sure you already realize. Just emphasizing the point.

You first,