Capital Gazette shooter identified-motivated by personal vendetta, not politics

The next mass shooter is now on the clock. Should happen around the first week in August.

What have things come to when people are anxiously awaiting news about the political leanings of the shooter?

How about the victims?

Various people were blaming Waters, Trump and Milo for this.

How about the fact some people are just evil and do terrible things and politics may have nothing to do with it.

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Joanne…nobody cares. Its all about scoring a quality kill over you political opponents. Apparently if you dont know the victims there’s nothing to care about.

Five more dead because of libs and their damn open borders! Rage on man, rage on.

I read about two of the victims on Twitter. Both young women.

Also read some people had warned police about this guy. Unfortunately not the first mass shooter who apparently gave many warnings.

So awful.

i think the bigger issue is there is a firearm homicide (sometimes with 2-4 victims) every 54 minutes in our country and we’ve just tuned it out. we only care about the high profile ones (like this one) where there are > 4 victims and ONLY at certain places (like schools, certain businesses, etc).

a ton of this stuff happens in places we don’t care about. i just counted and there were 38 other gun incidents today. last time i counted for a day the number was 70something. the people wounded by gun fire is drastically higher.

so, you’ll find that many people have determined that a guy getting his face blown off is a local story and not a national story. think about that. someone being slaughtered is now considered so common it’s only local news.

that’s sick.

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We are not a great country. We are a sick one filled with sick people.

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We had Trumpkins endorsing violence against reporters because “libs”… really exposes the paranoia of Trumpers who hate govt yet expect it to save them at the same time.

Nah we care about these because they occur in our schools and our workplaces. That’s a big reason we care. I dont have to go to Chicago’s west side…i can avoid this. I have to go to work…my wife has to go teach! We easily picture ourselves being the victims. That makes us care.


Milo’s fame has steadily diminished for quiet sometime now. As far as I know he isn’t a congressman either. I’m not condoning what he said it’s vile and disgusting and violence should never be encouraged. Maxine is a member of Congress and Trump is the President they should be held to a different standard than someone on YouTube, imho.

This should be what we our discussing. Practically every one of the shootings that have made the news in the past year have occured as a direct result of law enforcement not doing their damn job.


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women are gunned down (i think) four times per day by their spouses/exes/boyfriends all over the country. none of that is news anymore.

that’s sick.

you are mistaken. But it is no surprise thst you wish I had so that you could then try to hit me with your purported understanding of christianity. OLD trick of both atheist libs and believer libs. Try something new.

Provide the evidence to show that Ramos ever read Milo’s message.

Show how a guy who’s been planning this attack for weeks could suddenly be persuaded by that tweet to carry it out.

Women also successfully defend themselves from attackers with their own firearms every day. What’s sick is the idea we should disarm them and leave them no effective means of self defense against larger, stronger, and/or armed attackers.

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  1. In what way am I mistaken? Are you not a Christian?: If not, what religion are you.

  2. I think I’ve already “hit you” with my understanding of Christianity.

  3. You didn’t address my points. Are you against abortion? If so, why?

  4. You are a ‘broadbrusher’ although apparently you will concede that there are ‘atheist libs’ and 'believer libs. I am an atheist Republican.

has nothing to do with it.
the fact that Remos shot up journalist and the Fact that Milo and Trump are advocating violence are independent of each other

Is it your contention that just because they were not involved mean that what they are doing is fine and ok? Trump should continue yelling at his rally that the press are the enemy of the people
Milo should continue telling anyone who will listen that vigilantes should gun down journalists

Worldwide, every 2 minutes someone dies of AIDS. But because of your political agenda, my posting of CDC stats of MSM (men who have sex with men) and HIV will be deemed a homophobic act by people of your ilk.

HIV Diagnoses Among the Most-Affected Subpopulations, 2015—United States


lib. There are lots of Republican libs… and even people who call themselves conservatives but seem to side with libs on 90% of issues discussed in this forum.

You can search the posts. I’ve posted my religious beliefs. You are almost crying for me to be a Christian so that you can use your little ploy. Sorry. Use some other trick.

men are gunned down by women too. But your effeminate deposition wants to blame men.

women killed their spouse, an intimate acquaintance, or a family member in 60% of cases.