Canada ban conversion therapy

Does this mean that now, anyone who looks to subject someone of any age, consenting or not to gay life style could face up to five years in prison?

I think it means if you try to talk them out of it you could face up to five years in prison.

So if they try to talk someone into gay lifestyle should they not face 5 years in prison?

So,if I have this right and I must not…if you were born with physical attributes of one gender but identify as another gender, you can pay someone to mutilate you so that you may more easily identify with that other gender. However, you are not allowed to pay someone to help you identify more with the gender to which you were physically born, even if that is your choice?
And that is a victory for what or who?

What’s wrong with an adult undergoing conversion therapy of their own choosing?

It shouldn’t be done on minors. But adults aren’t minors. If they wish to try it, shouldn’t that be their prerogative?

One would certainly think that would be fair :woman_shrugging:

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This simply makes a culture and a nation not worthy of defending.

The enemies need a way to overcome the powerful motives represented by “Mom, apple pie, and the girl back home”. And this is but one way to do that.

But after the destruction of the nation is complete, the totalitarians will go back to expecting standard behavior from their sheep. And these perversions that they’re normalizing now to ruin the nation will become reason for being thrown on the bonfire of revolution as just more fuel.


What about “the boy back home”?


I hear that trepanation can expand your mind and I know this dude who will do it on the cheap… he even washes his drill from time to time.

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That isn’t conversion therapy

So, what is the conversion part of therapy if it isn’t conversion therapy?

Seriously though, you could probably just call it something else (or nothing at all) and still provide the “therapy”.

Like Bradley Manning?


Not the lobotomy type. Or the electric shock method. Of course those should be completely banned.

I’m talking about counseling and therapy with a psychologist. If the person in question feels like it’s necessary.

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Using pharmaceutically inducing nausea techniques to induce an aversion response… stuff like that

Simply talking to someone about their sexuality in a non proffessional manner and offering your opinion about it is not conversion therapy.

The point is that therapies that are actively harmful to people with zero benefit should not be part of any health care.

No…that’s different. This is a one way street of an evil perversion whose victims are innocent children.

Talking to a counselor about sexuality is harmful?

Being gay is an evil perversion?

Any adult that tries to lure/engage children in any sexual activity is evil perversion.