Canada - A national Security Threat. Is Trump An idiot or A Moron?

Thank you for your service, Canada.

Not very long ago. Libya. 2011

yes… what a ridiculous conclusion that dummy Trump is making. While people stood Kaepernick sat… obviously to praise the flag and what it stood for. But then it didn’t have camera appeal that he wanted… so he kneeled, at the suggestion of a soldier who liked the statement… just to get a little lower to the ground. Again obviously the gesture is to praise the flag and what it stands for. Then it had camera appeal and others joined in… obviously to praise the flag and what it stands for.
Yes… for libs, down is up.

Trump the king of America.

If he says Canada is a nation security threat. they are one.


Worked for Obama and Libya.



why cant some just admit 45 fornicated the puppy on this one?

Libya–terrorism sponsoring state

Canada—LOL Our bosom buddy, lifelong key ally.

see the difference?


When was the last time Canada’s immigration policy allowed a Muslim terrorist to cross into The Great Satan, eh?

Think about that for a moment. If they’re crossing INTO the US, that would be governed by the US immigration policy - right?

Everybody has the right to be stupid, but Trump is just flat out abusing the privilege.

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What does canada’s IMMIGRATION law have to do with the US IMMIGRATION law.

do they consult with the United states when making their immigration law?

They accept some people into Canada who the US does not accept as immigrants.

It is up to US border security to keep unwanteds out.


so when is Canada going to pay for the Northern wall?

You tell me.

No, they crossed illegally.

Your talking about the one coming from America?


10 cha

link please.

What? Do yo not keep up with the news?

from Libya Is Off U.S. Terrorist List - ABC News

Libya Is Off U.S. Terrorist List

By Kirit Radia

May 15, 2006

They were also considered an ally in the war on terror.
Note the date

was that before or after crazy pant threaten to use chemical weapon on his own people?