Can we all agree that there is no objective criteria of who is/was a good/great president

Pat Buchanan also wrote an entire book about how we should have let the Nazis win WW2.


And yet you won’t. Curious.

What is this post-modernism BS? Of course there is criteria for what makes a good president. It can take time to dissect the information and see how policies work out, but there is definitely objective standards for what makes a good president.

Just because it is obvious that Trump sucks in a lot of those standards doesn’t mean we start questioning the standards.


No, he wrote a book on how WWII could have been averted.

Yeah and he wrote we could have not gotten involved in WW2 by letting the Nazis win in Europe. I’ve read the book.

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I doubt that you’ve read the book. It simply says that Britain and France should not have declared war on Germany.
Even so, that has nothing to do with Harding.

No, I have and he goes on at length about the British deserved to be destroyed.

And the Harding administration was the single most corrupt presidential administration in American history. Literally everyone around Harding except was stealing hand over fist, except for Coolidge and Andrew Mellon. Harding was at a party where a stripper was killed. Lol

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I was thinking the same thing.

That book is wild.

Though he served only as long as JFK, consider Harding’s achievements. In 1920, he destroyed the Democratic Party in the greatest popular landslide ever. With Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon, he began slashing income tax rates from 65 percent to 25 percent, presiding over the best economic times of the century. In his first year, Harding held the most successful disarmament conclave ever — the Washington Naval Conference, where the United States convinced Japan to maintain a fleet of virtually no ships.

Harding and his secretary of state effectively ruptured an Anglo-Japanese alliance many Americans feared could leave us fighting both Japan and Great Britain in the Far East. “We have traded whiskey for milk!” an enraged Japanese diplomat said of Harding’s triumph.

His achievements endured. Under Harding’s tax cuts and Fordney-McCumber tariff, Cal Coolidge racked up growth rates of 7 percent a year. The Roaring Twenties were America’s best times until the ’50s.

Picking an electoral victory as an accomplishment is odd. Picking the economic policies that led to the Great Depression is even weirder.

Harding let Coolidge preside over seven percent a year growth that collapsed literally nine months after Coolidge left office in the worst economic disaster in American history. That’s really amazing.

And what were Harry Daugherty and the Ohio Gang up to during this time?

This is not about Trump, nor am I in anyway arguing that he is a “good” president. Let’s take Ronald Reagan. I’ve read numerous things from both sides over the years on Reagan. Those on the left think he was awful and those on the right think he was great. The same could be said about Clinton. There’s no consensus.

LOL. Who can say? We’re all really just looking at clouds! Let’s squint and parse!

Republicans can say this among themselves indefinitely. But to the outside world, Trump’s been a world-historical bad president. Also: he’s a genuinely terrible and malevolent human being. If you think this kind of hand-waving and Mistakes-may-have-been-made-and-it’s-all-subjective-anyway gibberish is going to convince anyone other than craven Trumpists, looking for easy redemption–well, good ■■■■■■■ luck.


You can’t just will away a giant subtext (which is just text, at this point) a week or so before an election.

Can anyone say if a president’s own supporters saying he’s stupid, a pathological liar and doesn’t even know how government works means that president is bad? Who knows?!?



A President’s best power is the bully pulpit power.

The power to inspire or unify in hard times especially.

I would agree judging that would be subjective, but you can most certainly tell when it’s not happening.

Why that would be the anointed one Barrack Obama. :rofl: :rofl:

Eisenhower :wink: You’re Welcome

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So does that go the same for Trump and his policies he crows about?

Good question. I don’t know yet. My inclination is to say he mostly did it for the votes for himself, but he’s weird.