Can we all agree that there is no objective criteria of who is/was a good/great president

No you don’t.

He swapped constituencies. And even with the swap, somehow democrats have managed to win elections.

2018 Doug Jones was a gift. However we might see sort of a blue wave hit the south this election.

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His actual quote was, “We’ve lost the south for a generation.”

He was wrong. It’s almost three generations and counting.

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If he plainly stated so, it shouldn’t be difficult.

It’s not.

Exactly what I thought



See how that works…We vote to decide…that is all.

Personally I equate energy independence with freedom

Which is why he will be a one termer.

If he was so great, why aren’t most citizens going to vote for him this time around?


The DC career politicians in conjunction with a subservient media have made personality more importantant than policy.

Voters should know what really matters.

I think they do.

History will be kind to Trump when the media wouldn’t.

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His response to the covid crisis alone will assign him to the dustbin of history along with Hoover, Harding and Buchanan.


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I strongly disagree.

Trump moved government in the right direction faster than anyone thought possible.

The daily task force briefings were really good until the press made them confrontational.

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The press?

Trump made some covid press conferences into ragging on his political opponents.

You know it and I know it.

Was not his finest hour.


Once again I will disagree. I will also thank you for being an active TDS content supplier. With your valued input…we all win.

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And likewise for you defending a wretched human being no matter what he does.


If there was only some starting point to which we could turn to determine what the president’s role was…

A case can be made for any president as being a great president or a bad president.
Pat Buchannan wrote an excellent article praising Warren G. Harding as a great president.
Lincoln can be made out as our worst president because of his ignoring the constitution.
It’s all subjective.
Great thread!!

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LBJ gave the food stamps and that started the lazy love-in wave of hippies.

Yep…that’s true.
LBJ was very problematic and though he signed into law the VRA and CRA the civil rights movement forced his hand so he definitely didn’t do it out of the kindness of his heart. LBJ knew his folks and he knew their ideology because he shared that same ideology. It is well known that he was made in the mode of that southern racists democrat/dixiecrat line of thinking.

Another example of how well he knew his folks back then was well stated in this quote, “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you”. It was relevant and true then and in some portions of this country it’s relevant and true now.

I personally think LBJ was a piece of crap politician who got lucky, but at the end of the day my parents, my grand parents(RIP), my family(including the ones that immigrated here and became citizens) along with millions of black Americans is very thankful for the VRA and CRA.