Can we all agree that there is no objective criteria of who is/was a good/great president

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This is neither another COVID update nor another Trump sucks thread. It is a discussion of the subjectivity of evaluating Presidents in general. If you cannot stay on topic, there are plenty of the others already open. This is the warning.

A republican? I am surprised.

Speaking of Vietnam…

Have you ever heard of a little thing called Iran-contra to circumvent congress?

I am sure that even the right knows that was bad.

The defense secretary had to be pardoned by Bush.

Otherwise it was the hooscow for him.



Arms to terrorists for hostages.

What a great president.


Show me where I argued that anyone was a great or even good president. The whole point is that it’s a largely subjective endeavor.


The Boland Amendment was unConstitutional.

I :cupid: posts like this. It encapsulates the shrieking and crying, coming from the left. Trump beats hillary and the heartbroken liberals are still melting down.

Ohh that sounds bad were there impeachment hearings?

I am not so sure good presidents are 100 percent subjective. Washington set a very high precedent. Lincoln is a close second. There does seem to be more subjective and personal attributes with presidents from 1900 on. I think teddy roosevelt was a mixed bag. Fdr was as well.
So, to me, there seems to be a certain quality of a president earlier on that may not be so apparent in today’s political spectrum.

Washington marched on his own troops.

I didn’t know this

Then why not go to court.

That’s the way it is properly done.


Nope there is criteria used by every historian.


He marched on a gathering of rebels.

Then he turned around and pardoned the whole lot of them as an act of goodwill.

Court don’t get hostages back.

He marched on vets who got screwed over by ■■■■■■■■ Hamilton to steal their land for his cronies.

He pardoned them to keep from having another rebellion.

■■■■ him.

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So the ends justify the needs in this case.

I disagree wholeheartedly.


So Obama should be in prison. I like it.

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Prison. Lol.

For what?

Being a Democrat?


Extrajudicial execution of US citizens.