CAN-US reach deal on NAFTA

No, it’s definitely real news.

Except the tax revenues are barely down… And deficits have been predicted to rise at this time for decades. Because of baby boomers… Predicted for decades…

Predicted for decades… as the rate of boomer retirement increases.

You forgot to read the post to which you were responding.

See there is this rate thing and the cumulative effect of having more and more boomers retire… Geez, obviously.

I said party hacks lie about SS and medicare deficits. Are you one?

If wages go up in Mexico there will be less need for a wall.

Because more and more keep retiring as predicted for decades…

Say it… "Predicted for decades…lol!

What percent of total income had been reduced? How much has the deficit increased?

Trump is Cool…

I’m hearing the Trump administration copy and pasted the TPP stipulations onto this new deal and just re-named it lol.

TPP is cool, because that’s basically what this is.

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Yes, I heard that today as I was driving around.

I listened to Trump’s announcement, most of it. The sheer volume and weight of his bull ■■■■ was staggering. 100’s of cubic meters, untold metric tonnage.

Trump said it’s a huge improvement, a massive win for the US, a new dawn for the US auto industry. What’s not to like? As a globalist, whatever that is exactly, I’m shattered. Time for me to wave the white flag, you non-globalists have clearly gained the upper hand.

In doing so…doesn’t this ■■■■ the american dairy farmer…in places like Oh…Wisconsin where they voted for Trump? I am not hugely educated on the economics of the dairy industry…but it seems if we can get milk and other dairy from Canada…doesn’t that hurt the American dairy farmer. And where our cheese comes in wheels…doesn’t Canadian cheese come in pucks?

Yeah, all good questions, and I haven’t read any info about what this deal entails; don’t know if the texts of the agreements are even available yet. I’ll be listening tomorrow to the reactions of affected parties.

In general the take is that much of the new agreements about intellectual property were negotiated by the Obama admin as part of the TPP negotiations. The agreements about car manufacturing parts containment are small tweaks (like 65% to 75%). I heard, and It was pointed out by CanadianJudo, that the CHAPTER 19 portion of NAFTA, which was supposedly a sticking point for the US, was not changed significantly, a huge concession by the US (Trump).

We’ll see what happens, as Trump loves to say.

That is an almost fact-free article.

Patience is a virtue.

Perhaps fact-free, unless you actually read it. E.g.:

There’s more in there, if you’re interested.

This post pretty much sums up Trumpian Economics.

“Argle bargle bargle! HA HA HA HA HA HA!”

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I see the Lib talking points have been established. This is TPP, Obama gets credit. They just can’t stand he got done what he said he would.