CAN-US reach deal on NAFTA

So you’re opinion is Trump should reject it?

Yeah, all good questions, and I haven’t read any info about what this deal entails;

So if you “haven’t read any info about what this deal entails”…how can you make your first post?

I’ll wait to judge completely until reading the details. But if reporting is accurate, this is basically NAFTA 2.0 without any real substantive changes to the original. Trump will hype it as the greatest deal ever. His cult will agree. And the people in the real world will continue on in the same trajectory as before with respect to trade between our three nations.


Isn’t that the biggest part of Trump’s game (the trash talking). I don’t think NBA players talk as much junk as Trump.

Its funny Canada seemed to get everything we wanted and Trump get a fancy new deal that is pretty much TPP

Right, it appears to be a mashup of NAFTA 2.0 and TPP. But Trump is good at taking credit for the work of others.

We both know that will be irrelevant and what Trump says will be gospel to his supporters, just like everything else.

Did you get to name it though?

I read the entire thing.

Note the “this suggests” and “Consider” ooooohhh watch out we may even include one partial fact… Then “more to the point”, yeah, ya think???

If facts were garlic, this article would not give one bad breath.

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That is all Trump really wanted his name on it.