Can libs tell me what is your standard American diet?

No, leave it open. The correct answer is that every American chooses what their diet is. Because we are FREE to choose that. Booker and sanders can go straight to hades. No political do-gooder gets to tell us what our diet is.


Cut all refined sugar. You’ll lose that 20 in a few months. Sweets, soft drinks, tea, sugar in coffee…


Because booker and sanders want to tell you what to eat…and that’s an issue for the OP and me.

I thought the standard American diet is whatever is served at McDonald’s, Taco Bell, Burger King and KFC on a rotational basis. Getting fancy on the weekends means a trip to Chili’s. I’m sure Trump would give this two tiny, orange thumbs up.


Because the is no answer.

For what reason did you think that?

I promise I am not going to vote for either of them.


What if someone wants to make meat illegal meat because they think humans slaughtering animals for food is wrong?

Bernie and all the rest of the no meat shops are just as bad as the antivaxxers. Every cardiologist I know today pushes a low carb, moderate protein high green leafy vegetable diet. This includes my wife’s cardiologist who has done two cardiac ablasions to defeat her Afib.

That old koot has no idea what he’s talking about.

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Too bad. The meat is raised for our consumption.

Good thing or you’ll end up eating your hand fed squirrels…


Side of beef in my freezer.

Will soon be some venison joining it.

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At least they’re nice and plump!

And easy to catch. They’ll walk right into the oven for you!

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Wait to see what libs serve ya at your Walmart concentration camps after operation jade helm. Some nice soy burgers, meatless chicken, veggie patties.


I will starve first.


Ha, I hear the Impossible burger is pretty good. Still haven’t tried it yet.

Then you’ll be stuffed full of tofu like a turkey.

Seems like every time the government comes out with new dietary guidelines, America gets fatter. :thinking:

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Been the story since the 30s. Read two books. Adkins diet revolution and a book called grain brain.