Can libs tell me what is your standard American diet?

Soy milk, raw vegetables, and free trade herbal tea harvested by the indigenous peoples of Artesia. If I’m feeling indulgent I may partake of gluten free hodgeberry muffins with a dab of vegan butter. SO good, but the sense of self-satisfaction afterwards can be murder on the waistline. :us:



I learned that smoking is cool from Looney Tunes.

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You and everybody else born before the 90’s. lol

Metamucil at 33? Eat a green vegetable now and then, youngster!

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I was born in the 90s.

Ah. Makes sense. :rofl:

Depending on your age and the status of your cardio-vascular system, too much potassium can cause heart arrhythmia. OJ, tomatos and bananas all have a lot of potassium. Moderation is essential.

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Now that I would not have guessed.

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Well, OJ gives me heartburn and bananas are gross.

So I guess all I have to worry about are tomatoes.

Can’t give up these perfect wipes.


If we’re talking diets. A very little know dietary fact.

Overall nutrition health in England increased during WW ll due to rationing. That’s how bad, for what ever reason, things were before the war.

I do all the cooking and I use my crockpot frequently. I also have a pressure cooker which retains the natural juices in meats and cuts cooking time dramatically.


Not sure what the “standard American diet” is - but I know here in the south, it tends to be about 30% grease, 30% trans fats, 30% some sort of sugar (whether it be lactose, fructose, or a ton of other -ose type ingredients), and about 10% of something that actually resembles nutrition.

Being diabetic, my diet is divergent from the standard southern diet - lol.


I go with a modified paleolithic diet.


This? Why do you ask?

Because it might kill you and your wife.

Why not?

I didn’t think you were younger than me.

Not sure why this a lib/con thing.

I’m pescatarian. The only meat I eat is fish(not fried).
Off topic: I was in Philly this past weekend and had the most awesome Fish Hoagie from Sister Muhammad’s (yes they’re Muslim).

Anyway, I’m mostly on a plant based diet, no soy, low carbs, and fruit(no oranges and apples). Don’t drink soda or juice, I do drink the occasional kombucha/ginger drink, ginger tea and I absolutely love beet juice, other than that water.

Now I do drink beer from time to time, but not too often anymore.

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I keep getting an ad with a realistic colon on it. It feels fitting on this thread.

We eat veggies and fruits and meats and dairy. The food pyramid would be proud if it were alive.