Can America survive a democratic victory?

Well let’s see, they are talking about packing the Supreme Court, doing away with the filibuster for legislation in the senate and of course the green new deal. Seems plenty evil to me.

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The country is always changing…

Ask yourself these questions.

Do I prefer that the people be accountable to the government?(Vote Democrat)

Or do I prefer government be accountable to the people? (Vote Republican)


“Well, Doctor Franklin, what have we got—a Republic or a Monarchy?”

“A Republic, if you can keep it.”

There is no sign that the dems want to keep it.

Stopped reading after this. You clearly are not interested in the Truth or facts.
Who won the Primary? Dems have shown, again, that they are a moderate party
Each party has wings that are extreme. The difference is the the far right has taken over the Republican party while the moderates still control the Dem party .
AOC enforced canidates continue to lose at all levels.

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Stat? I am posting from a website that gauges GDP growth. (Psst, its the actual economic strength indicator, not the Dow). From what I am seeing, GDP is supposed to be negative (meaning below zero) 42.8%. To me, that -42.8% is not indicative of “greatest economy”.

And kidding? 14.7% unemployment. No one out of work is laughing.

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As I said…it will survive…just as Venezuela survives.

Then you missed out on an enormous amount of wisdom. Ask yourself this question. Is AOC a huge driving force changing the democratic platform? Or is she moderating her views? Who has changed most? The DNC or AOC? Remember AOC is an avowed socialist. Somebody moved. Who was it?

The only way AOC type candidates win is usually by winning in strong blue districts. For the most part we are indeed Left of Center and Moderate in nature.

Nancy Pelosi said it best when asked about AOC and her “power”.

“She has one vote, just like the rest of us”.

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Come on. You know this is a world wide pandemic. That’s like blaming FDR for the World War (well, I guess Japan would have, at that).


So you do believe that the economy should continue to grow after the government tells people they can’t work? Good Lord dude. Nobody thinks that. Not even CNN. But if it makes you feel good, then knock yourself out.

She’s already won. The DNC has now fully adopted the socialist/ communist agenda driven by her. They surrendered. And a bunch of people who claim they are not socialists will vote for it.

Okay. AOC helped the dems become communist/ socialist. She helped a lot. But Nancy had to agree.

Stop being greedy AOC. Pay your damned taxes.

DNC mouthpiece the NYTs seems to believe that the extreme left is influencing the Democrats under Biden, and they love it.:

"Despite having dashed Sanders’ populist insurgency in the primary, Biden is still facing loud calls from his party’s activist wing to adopt ideas he has firmly resisted, like single-payer health care.

But in several areas there are already strong signs of consensus within Biden’s party, as once-cautious electoral and legislative tacticians shed their opposition to huge price tags and disruptive change amid a crisis that has melted traditional obstacles to government action."

Stacking the Supreme Court is a moderate position?

I don’t believe that. The DNC isn’t being completely run by AOC, and it hasn’t fully adopted a “socialist/ communist agenda” driven by her. The U.S. Democratic Senator for my state is a moderate. And the Democrat running for the other Senate seat here is mostly a moderate.

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I’m not the one proclaiming this economy under Trump is the greatest ever. Its not.

Those options are not realistic…

Trump said it was a hoax.
Now its a world-wide pandemic?