Can America survive a democratic victory?

Of course it is, it’s the DNC political platform for the November election, that along with racism and free stuff of course. :roll_eyes:

please for the record: Tell us exactally what Queen Hillary would have done to A) stop the virus in China B) stop the spread world wide C) stop the spread in the US once it was here. I mean exact steps she would have taken – and why. Please and thank you.


No, he didn’t

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lol… no she hasn’t… but feel free to provide proof otherwise.

False choice, we have a government of the people.

Good Lord the contents of that post are beyond stupid.

And 3 sidekicks? COME ON!

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Did you see my list? The items that I mentioned are pretty much not under dispute. The dems want the authority to choose your health care, your pay scale and housing. And fine you if you earn more than they want you to. They want to punish you for using the only fuel available to you. The primary force in your life will be government. Whether you want it or not. With or without AOC, they are pushing communism. Are they lying?

Trump made America great again. Promises made, promises kept. You are not obligated to like it.

Of course it is. The implication is that if “their guy” had been in the chair, the government could have solved it. Half those would have died.

And it would have been different if only…

No, he did not say the virus was a hoax. He said the Dem blame game about the virus was a hoax. He was right.

False reply. Roll over and wake up turtle.

We are voting for what we want, not what we have. We have Trump, so of course we have a government of the people. The democratic agenda is totally socialist/ communist. The dems want government to be running your lives and making decisions for you.

What did it take to get there?

There are still enough Democrat voters who went to public school before the Lib stupification programs completely took over. Back then, EVERYONE was taught the truth about socialism and communism and many lived through the times when these “enlightened” revolutions happened. They are resisting voting for someone who openly calls themselves a socialist or communist. That’s why the left has been doing it stealthily. As the older Dems die off or they are stricken with TDS, the left is able to be more open in their goals, hence the rise of uber-idiots like AOC.

If Biden had been in there instead to block all travel from China and Europe. Oh, wait…didn’t Biden, the very day after the Chinese travel restrictions, accuse Trump of hysteria and xenophobia?


I really wasn’t expecting an answer from the poster. lol We all know that not only does this virus differentiate between large chain businesses and mom and pop stores, tanning salons etc., it also differentiates between D and R and if a D had been in charge none of this would have happened.

For some of you, be sure to catch the sarcasm in that post.

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Correct. They won’t openly call themselves communists. But they have laid out a plan to do embrace communism.

Merrick Garland says hello?

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Thanks for once again showing that you care nothing about facts. But I’ll answer.
Is AOC a huge driving force in the Dem party -No. She is not. Name one thing the dems pushed and passed that came from her. In fact -She has mostly complained the Dems have NOT moved.
AOC is not moving, and the DNC hasnt moved.

Who did AOC endorse for President? Who got the nomination?
How often can you be wrong.

Its like me saying "The GOP is a racist party! Rep Steve King has not changed at ALL and is still a Republican! "


Can you imagine Biden in a Covid presser trying to remember the names of the ten people up there with him? The dems are about to vote for a brain dead stiff because he’s the best they have. Wow, let that sink in.

lol, what.

This makes no sense. It doesn’t matter which side is in charge… we still have a government of the people.

The Democratic agenda has a little bit of socialism in it and no communism in it.