California state health insurance to cover sex changes for illegal immigrants

So now the Peoples Republic of California wants to ban Pop Warner football.

So now it’s going to be perfectly fine for a child to get a sex change but not play football.

You lefties have lost your bloody minds.

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Flag football is just as physically demanding but without the inherent dangers of tackle football for younger children.

Not sure if a state should ban it though. Schools should be allowed to make the decision and parents be adequately informed of the dangers and indemjify the school against any liability.

Of course all sports have some risk but no reason not to mitigate the risk where possible.

Similar debates rage in the UK over children’s rugby allowing scrums. Anyone who has played rugby and been in a scrum that has collapsed will know how dangerous it is. Rugby can still be played without the scrum element.

A man who believes he is a woman is just as crazy as if he believed he was a giraffe.

They should treat his craziness but lefties want to encourage it. Why?

They’re crazy too?

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What would you call someone who actually believes he is something he is not?

What would you call a person who actually believed they were a dog, or lion, or gazelle?

Crazy, right?

Why is a man who believes himself to be a woman any different?

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Okay, so transgender people are “crazy.” Should we force them to get treatment, or just let them live their lives?

Either way.
Just like any other mental illness, as long as they aren’t harming anyone, let them decide when they need treatment.

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Oh. So we should encourage a persons mental illness when “it doesn’t hurt anyone “.


The point that was being raised was not to spend scads of money to progress their delusions. (At least not OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY.)


I didn’t say that either.

What ever mandated coverage we have for those with other mental illnesses seems sufficient to me. No reason to suddenly make things more mandatory for the guy who wears a dress vs the guy who wears a tinfoil hat.

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Which I agree with. But I was responding to this:

No one needs you to encourage it or discourage it. Just let other people live their lives, even if you think they’re crazy.

So was I: “… not to spend scads of money to progress their delusions.”

Public money should not be used to encourage or discourage transgenderism, in my opinion.

Its not what I think. Its what it is.

A man who believes himself to be a woman is crazy just as if he thought himself a donkey.

Libs are going to tiptoe around this fact.

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Okay, but so what? If a person thinks they’re a woman or a donkey, the government should have no role in changing their mind.

Nor in changing their other parts.



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The game of rugby evolved from the scrum. It was started by a schoolmaster who forced “his boys” to scrum as a lesson on the futility of everyone pushing a ball in different directions. Without the scrum, it’s just another frivolous ball game. :wink: