But Her Emails - Ivanka Edition

NO…Ivanka did not do the same thing! Ivanka did not have a private server & all of the under 100 emails she sent using her personal email address reside on a Government server and are easily accessible for review. A private email address and a private server are two different things!

can we get serious for a second

is this for real

can ivanka really go to jail

what if trump pardons her

Personally all goverment associated work needs to be conducted on goverment emails…no exceptions.

And our goverment must stay on top of any security issues.

That’s my opinion and I’m sticking too it.

By the “community”, you mean your fellow TDS sufferers? I have no doubt that they can pull a rabbit out their ass.

I guess I should just fall in line with what Honky has to say about it like you did?

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mailhost02@trumporg.com is not a government server…

oh man

ivankas going to jail

I’m a Republican and I think she should quit. But it’s past that…get over it.

It is all too clear, rich people can do whatever they want.

If your last name is Trump, Clinton, or Saud it’s an immunity card.

And the rest of us deplorables have to tolerate it.

if people chant lock her up at trump rallies

in the future

they should make it clear who they are talking about

or it could get confusing

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yeah, but that could “virtually” be anywhere. still part of tumporg.com obviously but the host could be in Atlanta.

but your point is still a good one. part of the Trump organization.

she’s rich and attractive. she gets way more of a pass than our military members.

Daddy agrees.

You’re right. Some day she will even surpass accomplishments of Melania.
Ivanka’s Gucci purse is already filled with gold. More like Jackie Kennedy Onassis.
Jared will be out of the picture and Ivanka will be a young Queen of a very wealthy principality.


The only reason its a story is because liberals leach on the only similarity in this story and that’s “personal email”, & Ivanka’s maiden name of course everything else is different as night and day!

There is less then 100 emails using her personal rather then .gov email which would take a Congressional intern less then an hour to review. :roll_eyes:

Her last name is not Kushner.

Oh c’mon, I bet every guy here and their daughters were comfortable posing like that when she was in her teens.

DoLoop…seems one of your photos vanished. The one from the convention in Cleveland.

Did you omit?? Mods??

Interesting. I didn’t delete it.

Looks like one of the replies got nuked, too.

Did they make trump look bad?

You have got to be kidding me? Lol