But Her Emails - Ivanka Edition

She gave officials all of the emails and those copies now reside on a govt computer. None were deleted.

I’ve been in IT for the past 20 years and e-mail is my expertise. There’s all kinds of goodies in here which could lead a competent hacker to get into these systems (if they haven’t already).

MX records ijkfamily.com (office365) are being directed to Trump tower’s e-mail server. I am going to assume that ijkfamily.com is Jared Kushner’s e-mail domain. So, basically, trumporg.com mail servers are configured to accept mail for the ijkfamily.com domain name.

No she didn’t, there were emails that would have violated attorney client privilege… She chose the emails she said were government business… Sound familiar?

I thought it was a flattering photo of Ivanka.

“It would be simple if people followed instructions”
True, but that has been shown to be a bad plan which never works.

I guess where I’m coming from is why is normal e-mail so insecure? Would it be possible to change the programming of Yahoo, HotMail, etc. to match the security of a government e-mail system? Or is there extra maintenance of that secure a system or some other practical reason?

This tags onto discussions about iPhone security and passwords and the notion that the nation is safer if the people have less privacy than they want.

How could they? Is it even possible for a man to be TOO fond of his daughter?

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The article cited at your link (from which they ostensibly got their information) says this,

Quoted from a spokesman for Ivanka Trump’s lawyer ;

Mirijanian said Ivanka Trump turned over all her government-related emails months ago so they could be stored permanently with other White House records.

Skip a paragraph and it says this;

“Ms. Trump did not create a private server in her house or office, no classified information was ever included, the account was never transferred at Trump Organization, and no emails were ever deleted,” Mirijanian said.

How would Ivanka’s spokesperson know if there were any classified documents? Many documents are not classified at the time they are created or received, but classified at a later date.
The emails were routed through her domain, of course they were stored on or routed through a private server. They were not stored on a government server, that is the reason she had to go through the emails and hand over the “work emails”.
That statement by her spokesperson seems very misleading.

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He is a spokesman for her lawyer. Ask him how he knows.

If they were not classified at the time what was her crime?

Look, I don’t even like Trump or support most of his crap but that is what we know so far. If you have better info sans speculation please share.

Also I’m pretty sure I said “moved” to a govt server, and even called them copies

Great lawyer answer… True, it does not appear that she created a private server in her house or office, instead it was created at the Trump Organization…

Hillary set the bar incredibly high. Not even losing, misplacing, improperly destroying, deleting, or exposing in the open, emails and documents classified secret, Top Secret/Special Access Program is sufficient to cause a problem. A simple, “I didn’t know,” is all it takes to wipe the slate clean.

So we are done here, yes? Move along.