But Her Emails - Ivanka Edition

Of course she erased them. Why not. Lots of people are saying she did. And she erased them. It was criminal very criminal behavior. Over a long period of time. Either we have laws in this country or we do not. Everybody is saying she committed crimes. It’s called “Ivanka’s emails” and it’s criminal criminal behavior. Very criminal. And she should be prosecuted. Strongly.


Conservatives are doing cartwheels trying to pretend it’s different- or because Hillary didn’t go to jail Ivanka shouldn’t be investigated by congress and the FBI for years like Hillary.

They have never been consistent on just about anything (tariffs, budget deficits, Iraq war) so don’t try stopping the hypocrisy now.

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Right after libs lock up Hillary…sure.

And why another thread?

I’m sure we would be fine with years of investigations and non stop rallies demanding to lock her up. That’s probably be enough for most of us. Seems fair no?

Knock yourself out. Rally away…

I was hoping you guys could lead the rallies. You were the ones who seemed so hell bent on jailing people.

Ivanka is pretty and people like her…she gets a pass.

Hillary is…well, let’s just say no one liked her and that’s the only reason the FBI investigated her, the poor thing.

Some people are saying that they don’t like her. Some are even saying that she looks like a mannequin. That’s what some people are saying.

Some people are just jelly…cause she is pretty, and has her father’s wonderful golden locks.

dont lock up ivanka

shes hot

I watch Orange Is the New Black. She could be Piper’s new friend next season.

That would be hilarious.

Another stupid ass thread about email.

My problem with Clinton and email, wasn’t that she used private email, but that she had an UNSECURED PRIVATE EMAIL SERVER.

Did Ivanka?

Dont recall you complaining about all the threads created about HIlary’s email woes.

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I was leaving that up to you.

ivanka and piper


youre making me reconsider my position

You really didn’t think this wouldn’t get checked by the “community”?

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emails are never a big deal

just make sure you never click on emails that say

free gift from amazon

and thats all you need to know about that

what does all that mean

is that an unsecured private email server

and if so

whats the big deal

Yes, that’s exactly what it means…