But Her Emails - Ivanka Edition

How many have their own unsecured private email server?

Doesn’t matter, this whole situation arose from everyone hating Clinton…the poor thing.

I have no idea.

Is a gmail address more or less “secure” than Clinton’s server? How about the State Department servers?

it’s probably only so that she and her family can leverage their currently celebrity and make more $$$.

Could be, or maybe it’s a means of obscuring more of that secret rooskie collusion.

Either way, Clinton is to blame solely because we don’t like her…the poor thing.

nah, the Trumps are all about the dollars. Granddaddy Trump trained his son to worship money (instead of the Lord) and it just flowed from there. once people understand what they all worship most of their moves make sense.

I don’t doubt Trump has a thing for money…but that isn’t the problem. Someday he is going to get bored playing with his toys.

wha? the dude is 70some. he is now who he will always be (and who he’s been forever). he worships money.

He worships toys, money is just the means.

Not hers, yours or my call to make.

Why did she feel the need to make it?

She already had it so just kept it for her email. She had asked Powell and he said he used a non .gov email so she just kept hers.

Maybe they should investigate this so some of the info actually come out. lol

i totally disagree. he measures himself and other people, like you, by the size of their wallet.

Nothing to worry about here… The server was “secured” in Trump tower…

i’m not sure you can tell the exact physical address from that info.

You’re the one who thinks it makes a difference. Dis you forget the post I responded to?

Did you notice the hostname the ip address resolves to? mailhost02.trumporg.com

No, I dont think that’s it.

Trump is worried more over his image than his wallet, or his toys. He desperately wants to be seen as powerful.

Remember when the Republicans campaigned on “Clinton bad. She used her private email to conduct governmental business”?

It looks like Ivanka did the same thing. The article

She should know better. But I suppose no Republican will argue that Ivanka should be in jail or should resign from her WH position.

You won’t find any consistency here, friendo. All there is is blatant hypocrisy. Good luck.

Did she erase them?