Brexit is Official

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Those were British citizens.

British is not part of Schengen, every person who enters the UK has their passport checked and we have control of our borders.

What on earth are you talking about?


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So what does that have to do with the EU?

I never really understood the fascination with Brexit unless you’re a dual citizen there or happen to live in an EU country, it really doesn’t have much of an impact in this country. They still will be in the same geographical location, our trading partner, our friend, as well as a member of NATO.

I am not sure in the end if it will be a net positive or negative in terms of trade with the U.S. but that’s about it. Other than that the people voted to get away from Brussels so be it. Not to mention a lot of the countries do not get along so well, central and Western Europe have few agreements and I was reading an interesting article the other day about how close Greece was to leaving the EU it almost happened. It seems a fragile organization at best pretty much ran by Germany and France. Maybe just maybe the U.K. will look like the smart kids for leaving when they did, I wish them the best.

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The remainders on both sides have held it up along with Theresa May’s decision to hold a snap election only to have it blow up in her face allowing more pro remain Labour Party members in.

Once Labour was absolutely clobbered last election things have been moving on quiet quickly from what I have read.


@Happyhappyjoyjoy are you aware of what the cost would have been to have Big Ben sound in the exit of the UK from the EU which is what bojo wanted?

Also, if I could ask you about a few other things with respect to Brexit:

What was the alleged figure that would be available to go into the NHS if the UK left the EU and what is the actual figure?

What is the percentage of the UK’s exports to the EU and what are the imports from the EU to the UK?

What is the end date for the UK to organise a trade deal with the EU?

There are probably a few more questions I could ask including what is your opinion of NIgel Farage but I think you will get the gist of what I am asking. Thanks in advance for your answers to my questions.

@Happyhappyjoyjoy Sorry, I have one last, but important question relating the NI and Ireland hard border. What is the potential if there is a hard border between Ireland and Northern Ireland?

You realize of course that their big immigrant stereotype, like Mexicans here, is Polish people right? Dey took our jobs and all that?

It all got held up because some folks were afraid of how some terrorists might react? How the mighty have fallen. :rofl:

The way they solved the problem was getting rid of the hard border with the Good Friday Agreement after thirty years of violence and it worked.

So, things were boring ever since the violence subsided? That’s why it’s exciting to see terrorism come back? Alrighty then. :crazy_face:

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Not the only thing. Watch what happens next between England and the US.

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Just a NY strip this time, but the entourage effect was on point.

Yeah… some didn’t like all of the Polish coming into the country.

Yes, this will probably mean the break up of the UK

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Opposition needs something to go bad to point at and say loudly Seeee!!!

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They left without solving the problem. It’s still a thing. Let’s look at the solutions they’ve offered:

We’re going to have a border that’s so high tech there won’t be a border.
We’re going to put an internal border in the U.K. between Northern Ireland and Great Britain.
We’re going to make the Republic of Ireland make a border or else Ireland can just be a lawless smuggler paradise I guess.
There’s going to be no hard border.
Yes there is going to be a hard border.
No there isn’t.
Yes there is.
Now we’re leaving before we figure it out.

Look I get you’re compelled to jam everything into your American political paradigm but it’s a big deal.


It will work itself out.

How about grooming gangs?