Breaking: Michael Cohen Pleading Guilty to Mueller Charge in New York

I’m okay with that actually. Happy to pretend Trump is more honest than Honest Abe and watch everyone around him take the fall. The longer Trump stays in office the more opportunity we get to see the winning from the GOP.

Coincidentally, open enrollment at our company ends tomorrow; weirdly, Trumpcare wasn’t on the list of health insurance providers.

K… well this has been fun staring into the abyss… but I got to actually get something mething accomplished today.

It’s fascinating.

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Make no mistake. The abyss will be staring at you. Always.

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That about right?

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Collusion gimps UNITE!!!

To the basement!!

I’m thinking about the broader mental health of society and not just elections, but yes.

States that are just announced loses of 15000 jobs this week alone

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And lice. Which apparently was what killed all the Jews during the Holocaust.

Deep State! Fifth Column! Lib mob!

I think they’re in perpetual shock

Anything useful to add or just trolling?

Why does Trump surround himself with so many criminals?

That’s what everyone was saying before manafort indictments

Prague. Prague. Prague. Prague.

Been out all morning, just trying to catch up with nothing.

Honest Don is what we need to call him.

I think a better question to ask is, why are so many trump supporters blowing off any kind of criminal activity?

Has he worked in the narrative that Trump just loves driving the left crazy because they can’t understand/control him and that THIS WHOLE THING is about the left not being able to accept the results of the election and that they will never understand the mind of a Trump voter?

It is all very STRAINED and rather lacking in logical credibility.

Maybe the final product will make a modicum of sense.

I still have no answer on WHY Russia would have preferred trump over Clinton who they manipulated like a Marionette to get a foot into Crimea.

Crimea is a much bigger deal than email hacking.

Yup. Wasted effort on a guy who hasn’t even been to Prague.

Remember when Manafort was asked if Trump had any business interests with Russian oligarchs? Pepperidge Farm remembers.