Breaking: Michael Cohen Pleading Guilty to Mueller Charge in New York

I don’t know who to believe anymore, Honest Don or Hannity’s attorney (who wasn’t even his attorney? That was so weird, still not sure why Cohen said it).

Dude that is the most lyingest lieface ever. Folks this is 12 seconds of pure bliss.

So far the response seems to be “Hillary.”

  1. Follow the money
  2. Listen to Trump talk about money and Russia

Clinton made it clear how she felt about Russia… and so did the majority of Cons before Trump came down those golden stairs.

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Never gets old.

That gulp at the end. :rofl:



Okay. Let’s just recap:

  1. Jerome Corsi admitted he and Roger Stone lied to Congress
  2. Trump’s main lender, Deutsche Bank, raided for money laundering
  3. Michael Cohen enters plea deal and cooperation agreement with Mueller
  4. Offices of Trump’s tax guy in Chicago raided.


Yeah. Yawn.


Trump cancels trip… It’s about to get real

Best commercials were from the 80’s.

Only if they have a functioning mind. I’m not sure they all do.

The weird part is the dude should have perfected the art of the lie. That was essentially his job for years.

I believe it’s more than obvious Trump didn’t expect to win and was trying to parlay his campaign into business ventures.



  1. . .

Probably has nothing to do with this, just related to Trump’s poor health in general and low stamina. Also I looked at the weather report and it might be raining that week.


Hmmm…a competent individual who sees Russia’s leadership for what they are versus a financially troubled con-man, unfit for the job, who can be easily manipulated and perhaps extorted into doing what you want?

Nothing is happening unless Trump is in jail for collusion!!!

I’m sure they never paid attention to Ken Starr’s investigation until the final days either ha ha…

That’s really weird because Trump supporters told me this wasn’t any of our business.

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The entire trip or meetings?

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Clinton sold Uranium to Russia interests. Why would they not want her as POTUS?

Just does not make sense, even by following the $$.

The only angle that does make sense is that Russia wanted to sew discord, which absolves Trump of any culpability.