When Boston U observes how Fauci was treated, earning over $5 million dollars, on television every night, all this after being responsible for the deaths of millions and millions around the world, costing trillions in monetary damages…they figured, let’s do it bigger and better then.
So here’s what Boston University is saying about this story.
“ Boston University said that reporting is “false and inaccurate.” Leaders at the school’s National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories said they have actually found the COVID-19 replicate to be less dangerous.
“We want to address the false and inaccurate reporting about Boston University COVID-19 research, which appeared today in the Daily Mail," said the BU statement. “First, this research is not gain-of-function research, meaning it did not amplify the Washington state SARS-CoV-2 virus strain or make it more dangerous. In fact, this research made the virus replicate less dangerous.”
The school said the Daily Mail’s reporting was sensationalized and used data from research on mice.
“The animal model that was used was a particular type of mouse that is highly susceptible, and 80 to 100 percent of the infected mice succumb to disease from the original strain, the so-called Washington strain,” the school said. “Whereas Omicron causes a very mild disease in these animals.”
Who created the virus to begin with? We know Chinese Wuhan Virus a/k/a Covid originated in China and that Fauci’s agency was funding something in China.
But it has become apparent that the research team did not clear the work with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which was one of the funders of the project. The agency indicated it is going to be looking for some answers as to why it first learned of the work through media reports.
Why can’t Boston U not be indicted? Isn’t the danger of this, already proven itself and yet…here we go again? Have no laws been made prohibiting this arrogant, stupidity? What the ■■■■ people! How do we stop this evil craziness? IMO…this is another example of our failed government.
Did you miss the part of the story that showed the mice they were using all died when exposed to the original Wuhan strain and in no ways did they actually create a more lethal strain of SARS-COV2?
They should get in trouble for not clearing their work with the agency that funded them, but the story has been sensationalized.
Because, as usual, the vast majority of readers have no clue how research works, and so they see “80% fatal to this line of mice” and immediately think “80% fatal to humans”.
Statistically speaking, the strain they made was no more fatal to the line of mice than the original strain was.