Boeing 737 Crash Near Tehran

Some just don’t care about human life.

Ignore it. It’s a massive troll post.


What is with the Iranian commercial air protocols during live fire?

They were flying when the US made their tragic mistake in 1988 and they did not bother suspending commercial air traffic when firing their withering response last night.


The Ukranian embassy is saying it was an engine malfunction that brought down the plane. they have ruled out terror or a rocket
their statement
“According to preliminary information, the plane crashed due to an engine malfunction. The version of the terrorist attack or rocket attack is currently excluded,”

I just Googled that and found this…as of 35 minutes ago. I can’t say the source is accurate but…?

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That was the statement at the time based on information from Iran, Iran has said that statement is no longer official pending more information.

“Chilling memories”

So what are your thoughts?

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passenger list please. find the bagman

Majority of the Canadian’s where in iran visiting family or visiting religious sites in the middle east during the hoildays.

Their names will likely be released today by the Government once they can contact next of kin

What do I think? I think Fox and other right leaning media will do exactly what they did after the MH17 tragedy. Parade a bunch of “experts” on trying to pin this on the Iranians despite not having any evidence. As I recall, hours after the MH17 crash, the narrative was that the plane was shot down by the Russians. This was proven false. The Ukrainian embassy in Tehran has stated that an engine malfunction likely caused this crash.

What do you think?

@Dale_Klan Are you saying that MH17 was shot down by those allied to the Russians/Russians themselves or by some other party not aligned to the Russians?

To the best of my understanding, the official conclusion was that it was shot down by anti-government rebels in Ukraine. HOWEVER…there were allegations that a Ukrainian fighter shot down the plane. That pilot was found murdered in March, 2018. Even though I try to keep up with the conflicting narratives, it’s almost impossible to sort through all of the claims and counterclaims anymore.

It’s also interesting to note that the Malaysian Prime Minister condemned the finding of a Russian orchestrated shootdown of the airliner. He claimed the Russians were being scapegoated for the tragedy, and that political forces led to Russia being blamed before any evidence was even examined.

Thanks for your reply. The Australian Government has no doubts that Russia was directly involved in the shooting down of MH17. There were many Australians who were on that aeroplane.

Russia…Ukraine…Allegation and counter allegation…endless propaganda.

Russia shot down the plane. They were the alpha in the battle theatre…forensics bear out the fact that russia was the culprit…end of story.

More troubling to see the D party leadership parrot these same tactics against President Trump and the R leadership.


Damn that’s bad, I flew Flown UIA many times and am usually the only the North American on the flight but of course I never went to Iran.

Remember when a few liberals did the same thing regarding the GOP and white supremacists and all received time outs

"Iran’s civil aviation organization has said that it will not hand over to Boeing the black box of the Ukrainian airlines flight that crashed shortly after taking off from Tehran’s Imam Khomeni Airport on Wednesday morning.

Both black boxes were found Wednesday, Iranian state television has reported. An Iranian official was quoted as saying both boxes were damaged but that it was believed their data could still be retrieved.

On Wednesday morning, engine failure was named as the cause of the crash. However, the Ukrainian embassy to Iran later issued a new statement on the crash which omitted engine failure as a cause, and saying that any previous statements on the cause of the crash had not been official."

What is Iran hiding?

Inquiring minds want to know.

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I haven’t thought about it, I just like pulling the wings off of flues one at a time.