Boeing 737 Crash Near Tehran

Can anyone explain what the australian meant when he said “Tussia”?

And before you even start:

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Crash site has been bulldozed and another video emerges.

More open source analysis.

That pretty much settles that then. Seeing other pictures of the rocket cones being found too.

Bulldozed, yes that’s the proper response to a crime scene.

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Could they look more guilty if they tried?


Just noting that bellingcat is a thing we should see used more often around here.

Open-source, they show their work, easy to follow.

Iran now claiming they’ll share black box info with Boeing.

It looks like the NYT’s and business Insider are confirming it as well. Anyone that a subscription with them maybe can post the article.

so is the ny times beliveable now???

If you want to go down a wormhole, start reading the replies to Bellingcat and witness the bot propaganda war spinning up.


I was watching NBC’s Ali Arouzi who was reporting from Tehran. He said that the people in the city were up all night expecting the US to retaliate. Some folks were moving their family out of the city. He said that everyone was very nervous. He also questioned if the commercial air traffic people were talking and coordinating with the military. We now know that it was a surface to air missile. So I think it is safe to assume that someone had a itchy trigger finger. I wonder why Ukraine Air would not hold up that flight just a few hours after the missile attack.

NYT was able to find the original poster of the telegram video that Bellingcat reviewed, and obtain an original hi-res copy.

Good luck to that guy in Tehran who shared the vid. If NYT can find them, so can the Iranians.

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Maybe they were trying to evacuate people to safety?

Thanks for the bellingcat information digging through their website now all kinds of cool stuff from other events.

It looks likely this was the likely culprit.

Tangentially- Take note of what your phones geotagging can reveal about you.

Guy shot a video and shared it.

Hours later, the internet knows exactly where he was standing when he took it, the direction of the missile, the airplane, the distance from the impact site and has a good estimate of where the missle’s nose cones will be found.


Yes I agree he or she is probably in no hurry to having their names hit the news waves

Here’s one that goes to show how hard spying got in the digital age. Russian GRU agents burned through a car registration database, America’s spy in the kremlin’s exfiltration cover of being murdered in Montenegro blown when he’s found alive in Virginia through google searches… you can spend days in here. They don’t have all the answers, but they show we’ve all got the methods for getting there.

It is a good site reading about the Russian Chemical assassination in Britain last year… Its interesting how they found exactly who the people were that did it.