BLM Rioters in Kenosha, WI Destroyed Struggling Small Business

You’re first two sentences stand in contradiction to each other? The answer to the first is zero. The answer to the second is … well zero as well.

It takes guts will money luck elbow grease love of what you do.

The destruction of a business is horrible thing to suffer. This angry online spewing about who knows what and who has it East is pure unadulterated garbage.

You guys don’t get to tell others about their experience to them.

Kids with a parent who own a business still have no idea. Maybe more than the average Joe, but they’ve only walked a mile in someone else’s shoes.

I couldn’t care less about “their experience”.

Just like the posters on this board who claim to know whAt others know And don’t? Or what privelge means to others?

Yeah ok lol. You are sitting here judging it. You quite clearly could care less but you don’t.

Wut? …

I most certainly am judging it.

Why should I care about the BLM or the Antifa agenda. It’s pure rot.

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“Walking in other people shoes”

That’s what I was referencing

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Agenda? “Wut?” Experience. Not agenda. You are judging other people’s experience.

I tell the same thing to white liberals who like to start explaining to immigrants or other cultures what their experience was which is just mind boggling

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Sure. People pretend all of the time that because they have some peripheral experience it equates equally to walking in someone’s shoes.

Judging their actions. Big difference.

Are you sure you are not discussing their bad upbringing fatherless homes lack of any institutional effect in their lives? Just their actions?

Since I didn’t bring that into the equation what is your point?

People also don’t get to tell business owners what they have given up when they have never had the guts to take the gamble themselves.
Your personal insult about online spewing must be a reflect of what you do personally. Because that garbage is what I see leftist do everyday.
As for business owners sorry but you non business owners don’t get to tell us what we have experienced to make a business work.
Now want to hurl a few more insults my way go ahead.


We are not arguing in a vacuum. You judge people’s experience here often. It’s fine but don’t pretend you couldn’t care less or belittle someone as only having walked in someone else’s shoes.

People live not only through their experience but also through others experience. No it’s not the same thing they don’t get to experience it first hand.

And this issue permeates these riots. You are repeatedly told you are looking at the violence and ignoring what’s causing the violence. It’s easy to blame leftist policies and leftist violence. Instead of going hey may be the state is acting improperly. May be the state has in part treated these communities badly for a long time. That doesn’t mean of course these communities don’t have a host of self perpetuating problems. But let’s ignore that and just blame them instead of listening.


Your rhetoric is garbage. I did in fact mean to insult your rhethoric. People understand what loss is. Not everyone but they do. It’s time for you guys to may be stop and listen. May be you can hear the right things. Doesn’t nena you have to listen to all of bit. 99 percent of it is leftist garbage but in it there are some kernels.

One of them is stop being so authoritarian. The same auvtboritaeian you guys accuse the left of being.

Btw you are on this very board telling an entire community what to do, how to act, when to kneel, how to react, how to protest and sometimes even how to live.

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Actually, I call out wanna be’s and posers.

I stated that already.

There is zero excuse for violence. We have a justice system. If a person doesn’t like it, too damn bad.

Of course it is. That is the source.

You get what you vote for.

Government isn’t’ going to solve self perpetuating problems.

No one should listen to rioters and looters.
You don’t reward bad behavior.
They want someone to listen to them. Then they need to get off their butts and work within the system to we have.
What I see are a bunch of terrorist getting away with crimes because everyone is afraid to take a stand against them because they will be called racist.
You think things are rainbows and sunshine on the rez. Hate to tell you but you would be wrong.
But it is not the cops fault things are crap here. It’s the people who live here’s fault.
They all have to same chance to achieve their dreams as to do every US citizen.
But there are too many who won’t blame the man in the mirror for their situation. Instead the left has convinced them that they are victims of an unjust white mans world.